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He was next to me. I could feel his breath I need my hands and his whispers in my ears. I couldn't remember how I got here only that I am here now. What is happening? Tobias is sitting next to me but I can't remember when I got out of hell. I can hear him he's falling me name but I can't seem to open my eyes. One of my hands is smashed between his calloused ones. His body is present next to me yet I can't open my eyes. My throat is dry like I haven't had water in days. "Tris, Love can you hear me? Please open your eyes show them that you're awake!" I try to pry my eyes open but it feels like bricks are laying on my eyelids refusing to let me open them. Slowly I start to see and extremely bright light and quickly my eyes shut tight again. "Hey turn that light off." Tobias yells at probably a nurse. When Tobias is frustrated he is not the nicest person in the world. I slowly open my eyes again to see deep blue ones staring back at me. "Ohh my God, she's awake, thank the lord!" Tobias whispers yells

"Tobias what happened?" I say through my extremely horse and unnatural sounding voice. 

Tobias sighs, "You don't remember do you?"

Tris POV

I'm still hungry and bleeding I'm not really sure how much longer my body will last.

Four 🌏🌏❤I start towards the old shack I used to dread, but now I look and see promise

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Four 🌏🌏❤
I start towards the old shack I used to dread, but now I look and see promise. I see half of Tris's jacket on the ground so she was here at one point or another. We slowly advance after grabbing weapons from the back of Zeke's truck. The dude is crazy no telling what's in his truck. I learned to shoot a gun when I was 11. Right after my sister tired one I tried to learn so I could protect her. Now I have one of the best aims in Chicago. Along with Zeke and Uriah. Together I don't think anything could stop us.

We reach the front door and walk in shockingly there was no one to guard the door but that makes since I'd their in the cellar where I was beat. I lead the gang towards the heavy metal door that is automatically locked once inside you must have the key card to get out. And since his lamborghini was parked outside I'm pretty sure he is down there.

I pointed to the door to show that is where we are going

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I pointed to the door to show that is where we are going. They nodded so Zeke and I handed our guns to Uriah. We put our hands on either side of the wheel that was connected to the door, and slowly started to turn it. My muscles strained to even budge it. If I had the key card it would just open for me but only Marcus has that. Slowly but surely the door starts to Creek open. I grab the gun from Uriah and start to decline down the stairs. The stairs seem to never end.

I can hear her she's groaning like she's in pain. Of course she's in pain you idiot. She lays on the ground with her hair spread around her like a halo. But the sight that scares me is Marcus standing over her unconscious form with a belt dripping in blood.

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