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   "The Hell get away from her." I yelled as loud as I could.

Marcus stood in full glory I hadn't seen him in years but here he was. I knew that he was here because I didn't think that anyone else even knew about the cabin.
It killed me, she was right there where I used to be. On the floor, scared and confused. Why was that happening to her. She didn't deserve it. I should be there in her place. Zeke went and grabbed Marcus and threw him off of her. Before I could think about it I was standing in front of her picking her wishing I could hide her from the world. Apparently Will called the cops and soon Marcus and Andrew were going to arrested and sent to prison.

She cried and cried on my chest and couldn't help not feeling guilty it was my fault that this had happened to her. But right now she needed help.

"Tobias?" She whispers

"Yes love," I say

"I feel tired I think I'm going to go to sleep." She said

"No Tris, stay awake you can't go to sleep." But I was to late she had already fallen unconscious.

"Zeke call an ambulance." I yelled.

Back to present time❤❤🌏⚀⚁⚂⚃

I stay be her side the entire time. Soon after Zeke called the ambulance. They pried her from my arms. I rode in the ambulance with them. And then had to wait for her operation to finish. I had gotten to stay in the isolation room. Now we just had to wait for her to wake up.

Soon enough I was losing my patience, it was agonizing to wait for eyes to open. I already felt bad about the whole beating thing but now the of I might just not wake up thing.. Really.

There opening. Her eyes. They open wide  just to be shut I  about 1.0 seconds. "Turn that light out." I yelled I tend to become angry some times. She's awake. I can breathe now.

Divergent High: Twisted Love Where stories live. Discover now