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"You're On."

Oh shizballs, no,no,no. Tris gets up and starts to walk towards Nita. I get up and start to follow her, but she turns immediately and puts a hand on my chest. I can't help the smile that speeds through my body when she touches me.

"Tobias, I have this." She whispers

I nod and turn back around to my table as she keeps ascending toward Nita. I watch as the mumbles stop when Tris reaches Nita.

"You really want to do this, because win or lose I keep Tobias." Tris threatens

"Yeah I'm sure." Nita passes

By now everyone is recoding the fight and the administration is just watching it happen.

Nita takes the first swing but Tris ducks and makes a swift punch to her stomach. Nita stumbles backwards but keeps her balance. Tris kicks her in the face with a round house kick. Nita Flys to the side of the cafeteria.

Tris starts to turn away, but Lauren starts to advance from behind and pours a smoothie all over her head. The entire school goes wild as I watch Tris turn and land one punch to Lauren's temple. That knocked her out. She looks around time see the entire student body is watching her. Uriah starts chanting Tris and soon everybody does. She just nods and walks towards me. I open my arms without hesitations and she gladly excepted the hug. I smile as I know she belongs to me.

Tris $$$

We head to Caleb's school to pick him up, then the gang heads back to my place. Caleb leaves because he wanted to go play with the neighbors, because they got a new dog or something like that. He left in a hurry that I did not catch the entire thing.

"Let's play never have I ever." Marlene says

Uriah runs to the kitchen and grabs the hot sauce and shot glasses. He fills them up after placing one in front of all of us.

"I will start," Uriah says "Never have I ever jumped out of an airplane."

Zeke and Shauna take a shot. Maybe they did it as a couple.

"Never have I ever, been so drunk that I peed myself," Zeke says

Marlene, Shauna, Uriah, and will all take a shot.

"Never have I ever, eaten more cake than Uriah in a cake eating competition." Will says

Zeke, Tobias, Marlene, and I all took a shot.

"Never have I ever, hated shopping" Christina says.

Zeke, Uriah, Will, Tobias, Lynn, and I all take a shot. That was cheep.

"Never have I ever, been so drunk I could not find my way home.... on my own." I say that way I could get Zeke out.

Zeke, Uriah, and Christina all take a shot.

"Never have I ever wanted to end this game more," Tobias snaps.

We all take a shot to that.

Sorry guys this is just a filler chapter do to tomorrow being Thanksgiving. I will probably end this book in maybe ten chapters. So don't expect any more updates till after the holiday.

Any way HAPPY THANKSGIVING enjoy the food.

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