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He starts his story with his name.

"My name is Tobias, I am 18 years old and I live with my mother and little sister. My life story starts when I was 10 years old. My Dad came home from work as he called it. He was a junkie. Ran with the Amity...not a smart choice. He came home high as hell and drunk. He came in the house and spilled the bottle of beer he had in his hand. He then screamed for my mother to come clean up his mess. My sister wasn't born at the time. My Dad heard me start to yell at him for yelling at my mom. He flipped around and smacked me upside the head with the now empty bottle. I screamed out but my mom just left the room. Before I could process anything I was being brutally beaten by belt. It continued to be like that for 3 years. That was when my sister was born. When I first got to hold her I new that I would never let the monster I call Marcus touch her. We named her Alaska. I really don't understand why but we did. I promised Marcus that I would take all the beatings and never tell a soul that this happens in the house that he could never ever lay a hand on Alaska's head. He agreed and that was how we lived." He finishes most of his story.
"That must have been horrible..it is a whole lot like mine and Caleb's though. Maybe we go it for the same purpose." I respond

"Maybe; anyway Alaska is almost 5 now and about 2 years ago Marcus got caught in a gang shooting. And he was the one shooting they caught him and reprimanded him to jail. After that my mom started coke and herion. I tried to get her to quit but when I got near her she would try and inject me. It killed me to see her that way but I think it affected Alaska more. She is literally the most important thing in my life right now. Alaska took mom doing drugs a lot worse than I did. A lot of times I would come home to see her sitting on the front porch crying. She never talked that was the catch she never has spook to any of us. I think that had to do with Marcus and also my mom. I really don't know what to do. I mean I haven't been able to get her into school yet because I haven't been able to find a school that will cope with her disability. Anyway that is my story and I have wanted to tell you since that night I found you with Andrew."

"Wow, we have a lot more in common than we thought." I said

"Yeah we do." He responded

The next thing that came out of my mouth shocked us both, "I want to meet your sister after we eat I think I'll like her."

He looked at me for a while and then said, "Okay but I am not promising that my mom won't be there and past out drunk and used needles everywhere."

"That's fine with me." I smiled at him.

We continued to talk about ourselves while eating the sandwiches he made. Finally it was time to get in the car and go to his house. Let's hope she likes me!

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