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Tris 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷⛥⛥♔♔♻

  I lay in a room filled with hard concrete floors. Bars over the windows and no lights fled into the room. It was hard living in here it been a few hours since Marcus is cut me. I just am losing blood fast I already ripped the bottom of my shirt off and tied it around my leg. An attempt to stop the bleeding. After Marcus  hung up the FaceTime with Tobias he attempted to cut me more well not even attempted he did. Where was Tobias was the actually coming. You'd been gone for so long I couldn't remember how long I had been in here. It seems like a few months now. But for all I know it could have been a year or a few hours or just a few weeks I'm not really sure I lost count after like the fifth day. Wasn't able to see out the window anymore. I take my nail and start to scratch lines in the floor counting how many times I watch the sunrise which sometimes I wake up too late to even see it. So my time isn't accurate but I'm looking at three four days possibly scary right. You can do it Tobias come on.

    I arrived at Will's house in about 20 minutes. I got stuck in a lot at a lot of traffic lights. I knocked then let myself in. The gang was there most of them were in their pajamas. They were all sitting around the coffee table Will was typing furiously at the computer with many machines surrounding him. He looked to about have had expresso shots. Not good for him. Christina sat on his left watching anxiously over what he was doing. I slowly nodded to the gang. Showing them that I acknowledged that they were here. I walked up behind Will to see he had the maps open and he's slowly narrowed down the cell service to one area. It kept going down until it pinpointed and area wish I knew. It was an old Cottage that my dad used to take me to. It's where he beat me. It had sound proof walls and a cellar built-in underneath. I never wanted to go back but it looks like I am. I put my jacket back on and the Gang followed me out this was going to happen whether they liked it or not we were going to get my baby girl back.

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