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I wake to see myself in my bed tightly rapped around the sheets like a burrito. Wow it has been awhile since I woke up on my bed instead of on the floor with a pool of blood around me. I get up to see my back nicely bandaged and my thighs from my beating last night. Four he did this he took care of me he actually cares what happens to me. I have decided to let my self give in but just to Four no one else. Maybe he can help me get away from this monster. My monster.

I get up and get ready. (OUTFIT ABOVE) I go downstairs to cook a nice big breakfast for Andrew and sneak a snack for Caleb and give him money for school lunch. Just as I finish breakfast Caleb comes downstairs and I give him his Pop-Tarts. I make my way into my black Jeep and wait for Caleb to get his things. Normally he takes the bus but today I want to take him to school.

"Good morning Bea," are the first words he speaks

"Good morning little man, how are you?"

"Tired." He replies.

We pull up at Erudite Middle School. He jumps out and runs up to Cara and Will. Will's younger sister Cara also goes to Erudite. I drive off after saying goodbye to Caleb, now I go though the hell hole gates we call school.


I see her, she looks so hot in her outfit it's jaw dropping. I know she has her badass clothes on. She walks up to me and I pull her into a hug being very careful about her back.

"When did this happen?" Says Christina

"When did what happen?" I ask


Ohh she means me and Tris. Well I'm not going to say anything unless she does. I plan to ask her out in front of the entire school. I know long shot because she hasn't dated anyone since Freshman year. She doesn't even talk to boys outside of gang.

"Let's go now." Tris says

"Okay let's go."

With that we walk to class, but we are cut short by the Bitch named Lauren. Lauren is the schools slut and everyone seems to know this except for Lauren. As she walks up with her skirt riding up her ass and her shirt skin tight, not to mention her minion Nita following her.

"Why does My Man have his arm around you?" She screeches

"What do you mean by Your Man he's not property." Tris returned

"He is my man not yours." She takes a step towards Tris as Tris takes a step back.


I take a step back while she comes after me. I being the one who can snap her neak she couldn't stand a chance against me.

She charges and I just stand there until she comes close enough. Then I take one swift punch to the jaw which knocks her down. She screeches as Nita then comes to take me on as I do the same thing to her as I did to Lauren. I lean towards the ground and Whisper, "Don't ever treat me or Four like that again. Or the punishment will be much worse the next time."

I walk away with my head held high as I watch as boys swoon over me. Man am I going to get a beating tonight if my dad finds out. Four interrupts me conversation in my head by saying,

"That was badass Tris where'd you learn that?"

How does he know my name? Ohh right I told him last night.

"I took beatings since I was 10 I know how to defend myself." I say quietly so no one will overhear.

"Come one let's get to class." With that we went to class.

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