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Her voice. That is the first thing that I hear. It's a different voice not Tris's but not one that I've heard before. I get to the room to see Alaska talking to Tris. Alaska talking. Talking. Talking! Holy crap her first words talking to Tris wow she must feel really safe with her. I gawk for a little while replaying over and over in my mind what her voice sounds like. Her voice is beautiful like gorgeous. She's fluent like streaming water. I thought the first time she would talk would be like a baby. Or if she never spoke anyway.

It's weird hearing her. I mean it's different.
Tris snaps me out of my trance by saying, "Take off your shirt.."


She just walks over and pulls it off my head as I back away from her.

"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to help you." She says in a calming tone.

Slowly I decide to walk closer to her. She looks at me carefully as if I were to run at any given time. But I was still, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts. She approached me. I shut my eyes and focused on the dark that surrounded my eyes. Before I could object, I felt her cool hands on my burning back. As they stroked the lashes and scars and burn marks.

"Tobias" she says quietly

"Hmm" I respond with my eyes still shut. I'm trying to get into my happy place so I don't flip out on her and make a huge scene that is not needed.

"Who would do such a horrid thing to a boy. Who would spend hours doing this to you. Why are you taking this punishment?" She questions in a hurried tone. She doesn't give me that kicked puppy look she looks at me like I am Brave and that I deserve to be here. I know in that moment that I am truly in love with her.

"I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you." I say before I can even think about what I just said. And before I could get the I'm sorry out I feel strongly arms hook around my bare torso.

"I'm in love with you too." Her voice comes out small but mighty. She is different than any person I have ever met. We told each other our secrets we trusted one another and I'm okay with that. I don't feel like she would tell anyone and I trust her and I hope she trusted me.

My long forgotten sister decided that she would talk now and come to hug my legs. She hugs our legs and says, "When our we getting out of here?"

Divergent High: Twisted Love Where stories live. Discover now