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I'm to frozen to even talk. I mean I was okay with this in the beginning but now it's sort of scary. I can't tell these people my story they will judge me. So Six starts, "What I am about to say will not leave this circle." Or something like that. She continues,"My name is Tris, I have a little brother that only Will knew about so don't make a big deal about it. I have been abused for most of my life and still I am abused to this day. My Dad killed my mom just after my brother was born. He beat her to death.." by this time everyone is in tears, but she continues "I promised my dad that if I never told anyone that he could only hurt me and not my brother. So by telling you this I am in trouble with breaking that promise. My dad is getting home soon so I have to go home early today but we need a plan to get out of here and we were wondering if you guys wanted to go with us? "
"HELL YESSSSS" Uriah screams "We are getting you away from those basturds..that is horrible guys."
Everyone nods in agreement. That's when I turn to Tobias it's his his turn to tell his story. He looks a little chocked up so I rub him on the back trying to calm him down. I whisper in his ear, "If I can do it yourself can do it I trust and know you are strong enough to do this.." still rubbing his back he nods and turns to the group. ""My name is Tobias, I am 18 years old and I live with my mother and little sister. My life story starts when I was 10 years old. My Dad came home from work as he called it. He was a junkie. Ran with the Amity...not a smart choice. He came home high as hell and drunk. He came in the house and spilled the bottle of beer he had in his hand. He then screamed for my mother to come clean up his mess. My sister wasn't born at the time. My Dad heard me start to yell at him for yelling at my mom. He flipped around and smacked me upside the head with the now empty bottle. I screamed out but my mom just left the room. Before I could process anything I was being brutally beaten by belt. It continued to be like that for 3 years. That was when my sister was born. When I first got to hold her I new that I would never let the monster I call Marcus touch her. We named her Alaska. I really don't understand why but we did. I promised Marcus that I would take all the beatings and never tell a soul that this happens in the house that he could never ever lay a hand on Alaska's head. He agreed and that was how we lived. I had the living shit beat out of new while he laughed and that is how we are here now."
"Shit" Zeke muttered

"How did you guys live like that?" Shauna asked while Will nods.

"We did it because we had someone who needed to be protected from this bad world and with that I have to go. I'm already in for enough punishment don't want to add fuel to the fire bye guys." With that I stood to leave when Tobias whispers in my ear, "call me if anything happens." I nod knowing good and we'll that I will not call for help and with that I was off to my torturous evening.

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