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"Pregnant, are you sure Marlene?" I ask out of udder shock.

"Ummm...I am not sure yet that's why I came to you. I was hoping you would take me to the hospital to get checked out you know." She explains

How the freak did Marlene get into this, Uriah's... I'm not going to finish that thought.

"Sure I'll take you just let me go get my keys and we will get on our way." I say

She nods and begins her way to my car as I run into the house to tell Tobias that I'm leaving and that I'll tell him what is going on later.

I grab the keys to my car and jump in. Marlene seems awful quite right now but I guess that is expected of her. She thinks she's going to have a kid that's kind of scary.

We arrive at the hospital and she goes and gets checked in and they take us back immediately because not many people are there.


"Positive you are pregnant as can be. I am truly happy for you sweetheart. Make sure to schedule an appointment with a OB/GYN for a month or two. Y'all have a nice day!" The overly excited doctor said.

"Ohh my God I can't do this. I'm 17 and Uriah's 17 and our lives are over if he even stays with me. Tris I can't do this I mean how am I going to do anything." I have to stop Marlene from her own freak out before it gets the better of her.

"I have a plan. Okay you have to tell Uriah. Then we will see if the Gang wants to move out of our separate houses and buy one giant one since we are all going to collage here. We can all live together and there will be no problem. We will all help you and Uriah is not going to leave you I bet he'll be so happy. And I'm Tris and I will not abandon you and Four even though he might seem cold he has a heart and with a baby around he will be nicer than ever." I assure her

Or I might be assuring myself.

I dropped Marlene off at her house and told that I would go with her to tell Uriah tomorrow. Now I have to tell Tobias. I get home to him on the front porch waiting for me. I swear he is a hopeless romantic.

"Hi. What are you doing waiting around for me?"

"I just wanted to make sure you got home safe now do you want to tell me what happened with Marlene?"

"Marlene is pregnant. And no one else knows so I expect you to keep your mouth shut. And I was thinking that the gang could buy a mansion together and we could all live there and go to collage together." I say

"That's a wonderful idea." I can see that Marlene being pregnant took him for a loop. He wants to go ask Uriah but I think he knows that Uriah doesn't know yet.

"So I made dinner while you were gone and the kids are already eating because they couldn't wait." He says as he comes out of his daze.

"That sounds wonderful what Is on the menu tonight?"

"Pasta in cheese sause." He said

I laughed his Mac in Cheese was a killer though.


Never have I ever been in a more uncomfortable position than this very moment.

Marlene is sitting on the couch next to me and across Uriah is sitting there watching her, not saying anything just watching her.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Uriah questions.

My mouth drops. How did he guess. I look to Marlene and see her nod. Uriah jumps up and runs toward her. He grabs her by the waist and twirls her around.

"I'm going to be a dad." He says quietly

Marlene smiles and I decide it was my time to head out of there.

I smile in my way out. Everything is going to be okay. I mean they are young but they are literally perfect for each other and I am so happy for them.

As I make my way home to Tobias I remember to stop by the store and pick some medicine for us we are all starting to get really bad allergies.

I walk in towards the medical aisle. I look at the hundreds of options and finally decided to go with one with the most stuff covered. I mean cover all the bases right. I head to the check out line to be faced with Nita. God can I not cut her out of my life. She just keeps sneaking in like the snake she is.

"Hi Six how are you doing today?"

"You're required to ask that aren't you?" She nods.

"Is my baby, Four sick?" She says oh how I want to strangle her.

"He is actually, but he is my boyfriend so I'm getting him the medicine that he asked me for so goodbye Nita have a nice life." I stomped out like a child but I don't care i made my point to her.

I walk into the house to see Alaska chasing Caleb with a dress trying to get him to put it on. I laugh as he runs. I start towards the kitchen to put up the new medicines, as I hear a moan of pain coming from the living room. I make my way towards a sleeping Tobias who is holding his stomach. He really is sick. Ohh poor baby.

"Tobias baby? Come to the kitchen and let's get you some food." I say a gentle as possible.

He follows and I sit him on the barstool that overlooks the kitchen.

He follows and I sit him on the barstool that overlooks the kitchen

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He groans as he sits there. I make some quick soup and sit down next to him. He has put his head on the table and looks up at me.

"Feed me please I have no energy to do it myself."

I nod and begin to give him spoonfuls of the warm liquid.

He eventually finishes the bowl and I send him upstairs to our room that we now share and tell him I'll take care of the kids.

I call up Shauna and ask if she would be able to watch them and take care of them until Tobias feels better.
She agreed and then came to pick them up.

I walk upstairs to see Tobias in bed with only his boxers on and he's laying diagonally across the bed with the covers chucked to the floor. I chuckle at how funny it is to see him sick. He looks over at me with red puffy eyes and a smile on his face.

"Come here please, I'm sick." He says groggy.

"Okay" I say and climb into bed with him.

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