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Hi guys I just want to say that if you have instagram if you would please go follow my Theo James account..Thanks
Be Brave

On with the story

"Of course I am Nervous.." I say to Zeke's question

"I mean..I don't know what I'm doing its my first date.." It really is my first date. My dad use to never let me out of the house. To be honest I have fake dated people. Like Monica she and I dated in school, but I never liked her very much. She was someone I like to say didn't where underwear, because I didn't show. Meaning she wanted everyone to know what she had like rich people. Plus she was extremely sexual. @dreamofwonderland
I really was just there for the image. I could not have people know that I was abused or that my Dad went to prison or even that he was in the Amity gang. I really have a messed up life but for sum reason I tend to try and make it better but I always fail until now. She said yes and now I have to do my best to please her.

"Come on dude let's get you ready, and you can tell me why you spaced out then." Zeke says darling me to discuss agree with.

I get off my chair and look out the window seeing Tris and Chris in Tris's house getting ready. Tris looks like she's arguing with Christina which is never a good way to go. Zeke eventually gets me away from the window to get ready.


I start to argue with Chris over my outfit. I think it's fine but she says that I need something to get him to notice me.

"Chris..just let me try it on if it looks terrible then I'll wear what you brought."

"Kk" she says

I go into my bathroom and put on the dress. I come out and Chris looks up dumbstruck. Then if not a second later viciously shakes her head yes. She takes in front of vanity in my room and starts to pick at my face. After an hour in hell she says she's done.

I look at myself in the mirror and I see someone else. Not the girl whose Dad would kill her if he even thought that she was going on a date. In her eyes she still couldn't put a name to the face in front of her. Once in the fifth grade...I was 11 and was getting ready to go to the back to school bash..with my new friends from school. I had gotten a dress and everything. I was about to step out the door when I heard a sickening voice call out to me. I thought about running but I new that would just mean more punishment that night.

"Yes sir." I said sweetly

"Where are you going in that slutty outfit..?" He said.

"School sir."

He grabbed me and beat me till I couldn't even scream. That was the day I became closed off and never talked to anyone. That was also the last time I ever wore a dress. I don't know what he would say idle he saw me in this, he probably kill me on the spot.

My thoughts are cut short by a knock on the door. Time to go already. I just take a breath and start to walk down the stairs. I get to the door and turn to Christina.

"You can do this just breathe."

"Okay thanks Chris I needed this." I say sincerely

"No prob. Now go get your man."

I go and open the door to a breathtaking site...

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