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"Hey that's not fair play." I yelled as Tobias starts to just run with the basketball.

"I don't really care, I just want to kiss you." He sneers

"I think that it's funny that you think that you will be able to get anywhere near me, while you're playing around. I want to play basketball and if you're going to cheat you can get out." I say

"Naw I think I'll stay here for a bit and annoy you" He is messing with me and I know it and it just so happens he's pissing me off as well.

"Okay, if that's how you want to play." I say as I start to run toward Tobias. I jump on his back as he drops the basketball to grab hold of my thighs. He starts to twirl seeing if he can throw me off my balance, but it's not working very well.

"Toby, quit it you are going to make me puke in your hoodie." He immediately stops and starts to slowly walk around.

We do this a lot now. It's been a month since I left the hospital after spending a week there. Tobias and I started to talked walks after I left the hospital to try and help regain my strength. Since far it's working, but I have my sucky ass attitude back. And it's hurting my relationships with other people. Not the gang or Tobias because they understand and are used to putting up with it.

"Want to walk home now?" Tobias asks.

"Sure. That sounds nice." I reply as we head towards home. Tobias is living with me as is Alaska, and Caleb. Marcus and Andrew were sentenced to 30 years in prison so they won't be out any time soon.

As for Tobias's Mother, no one can find her. When I went over to Tobias's house last there were needles everywhere and Alaska had herself locked in her bedroom. She had said that her mother came after her with the needles and when she ran she ended up locking herself in her room.

When Tobias and I had gotten to his house we found her crying in her room as her door had been stabbed with needles. But they had been taken out and used and dumped to the floor.

It was horrible, so now we got Tobias and Alaska to move in with Caleb and me.

We have been going to school still and sadly to say it does end soon. But the gang and Tobias and I are all going to collage here in Chicago. So there was no need to move. Although we all were planning to move into one giant mansion together. I think that would be cool.

By the time I had finished thinking we were already home. I was walking up the driveway when I first saw Marlene. She was crying on our doorstep which confused me even more. I walked over to her and motioned to Tobias to leave us alone for a few minutes.

I don't saying anything I just sit down beside her and stay quite until she turns towards me. She looks at me with concern and says, "Tris, I think I'm Pregnant."

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