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It was Lynn's turn to start.

"Marlene, Candor or Dauntless?"


"I dare you to lick whipped cream off Uriah's chest." Lynn dares.

"A whole bottle?" She asks kinda scared.

Lynn just nods. Zeke jumps up to grab a bottle from the fridge. He comes back as he hands it to Marlene. Marlene blushes a bright red as she starts to layer it on his chest. Finally the bottle is empty, she places it on the ground as she bends down and starts to lick it off.

After the Dare, Marlene sits back down with a red faced Uriah.

"Four truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he says almost sounding monotone.

"I dare you to ask out your crush."

Damn I know he doesn't like me,but it sure as hell is hard to see him ask someone else out. He gets up and walks around the circle eyeing every girl in there. Surprisingly he stops at me turns and starts to speak,

"Six, would you like to go on a date with me?"

I have an internal dilemma. I would love to go out on a date with him but I also carry way too much baggage. How could I be in a relationship where I'm a mess. I mean it's worth a try right? I just let my heart speak as I answer with a,

"Yes, I would love too."


She said yes. I'm freaking out in my mind. It's like a total geek out. I'm glad no one can read my mind. They would send me to a mental Asylum. It's like a fangirl freaking out about 5 Seconds of Summer. Man I do love 5 Seconds of Summer. I have to plan the entire date it has to be perfect. Perfection for a perfect girl. All of this is going on in my mind as the game continues. I guess they just went on without me I probably looks like a freak anyway.

The game ends early as I jump in my car and ride home thinking about what to do about a date. What do I wear? How how do I impress? Do I wear a suit? Do I wear normal clothes? Where will you take her to eat? All of these thoughts drift through my mind as I try to plan for my upcoming date. I'll have to text her to ask what day.

FOUR/ Hey Tris I was just wondering when that date could be?

A few minutes of starring at my phone waiting for a reply my phone finally rings. I look to see a text from Tris

TRIS/// Hi maybe next this Friday?

FOUR/ Yeah 6 o'clock okay?

TRIS/// YEAH totally goodnight Four. I'll see you at school tomorrow.

FOUR/ Yeah see you tomorrow..goodnight Tris.

I go up to my room ignoring my mom's protest. I change and flop down in my bed thinking of Tris. She's gorgeous and doesn't realize it she's selfless and shows it and all her Acts. She is so intelligent but still claims to think she's dumb. How the hell do you deal with someone like that but I just happen to love her. WAIT LOVE?

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