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A woman, with hair like freshly fallen snow cascading messily off her porcelain toned skin sat rocking rhythmically in a wooden chair, swaying back in fourth. Flames licked across long dead trees in the marble encased fireplace, cracking with sparks as shadows danced like ballerinas across the rooms edges. It was dark like the rest of the long sitting empty house, with only the flames warm glow giving light at all. Dust laid on the mantel like a long forgotten friend as only the sounds of the fire and the hums of the woman echoed harmlessly around the room.

"Dormi, mi fili, dormi - veniet dies quo tibi erit larga, largissima quies," She softly hummed, brushing strands of similar locks to her own from a bundle of blue, resting in her shawl covered arms. In the low glow of light, another woman strode into the room with a complete disregard for quiet, as her heels clicked and clunked like gunshots alerting the blonde of her arrival. The flames orange cast an eerie shadow across the intruder's face, giving away the sharp curl of her toothy grin. She was dressed in the nights chosen colours, her hair a matching tangle of bluish noir. Cheekbones switchblade sharp like the ones resting in plain sight against her tampered waist that lead to a deadly laced corset to match the drape like skirt of velvet. The woman's eyes were dilated as she hastily glanced from side to side as if expecting followers in her wake.

"My, my Narcissa," She spoke in clipped words when she was no more than a meter or so away. The blonde however, didn't look up and simply smiled to her waking child who nearly grinned in his drowsy state.

The woman of darkness licked her bloodless lips as her eyes scanned the mantle noticing the dust with crinkling disgust before returning her attention back to the blonde woman she had addressed as Narcissa. "I assumed you had forgotten that song."

"How could I?" Narcissus murmured softly, her voice sounding smooth like warmed butter, gently swaying the blue bundle of life. "It was the only song our mother ever sang to us three, Bella."

The woman, Bella as she was called, frowned at the other as she rolled her deepset of amber eyes. Bella thought Narcissa to be too trusting and soft in the regards of their mother. She was a woman who knew not of love or compassion in the way a mother should. Instead she taught the rules of what a woman shouldn't be and tore each of her daughters down to their knobby knees in the thought that they were never going to be enough to please the world and that they themselves will only survive if they marry a man of wealth. It did not matter who they did or didn't love and it definitely did not matter if they were a loving husband or one to easily disrespect a woman. Wealth and social standings were all that mattered, if you thought otherwise or went against her will you were burned from the tapestry and scorned from the family.

"Motherhood has made you soft, sister," She stated as she peered down over her sisters shoulder to get a decent look at the bundle of flesh she had brought into the cruel world. It looked nearly lifeless, with its blobs of mush for hands and it's face squished and rosy tinted. Though it's hair was soft looking, like bloomed petunia petals and the colour of her sisters pale blonde if not more fair. The child was beautiful in beauty, but hideous in uselessness. Bella pitied the poor morsel.

"This is the lump of bones you decided to curse with life?" She asked flicking a lock of stringy hair between her dirt-caked nails. The mother's chapped lips tightened like rubber bands in irritation at her sisters poor word choice.

"I did not curse my child, Bellatrix." She seethed through her clenched pearls of teeth, clutching the bundle of blankets closer to her stomach, which still ached from the overextended muscles used in the wee hours of the night. Oh, how she survived she never knew as the pain was like being ripped in half by each muscle and ligament. The healers and nurse maids that were present only hours ago had long left though they seemed shocked she had survived the traumatic experience as well. It was not uncommon in the wizarding world for a witch to die during child birth.

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