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I'm sorry if my books (though only two are posted) are making you feel uncomfortable or targeted or attacked or some other thing that you've left a long paragraph on during reading. However, if it bothers you that much please just stop reading.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm honestly just sick of myself as the author getting attached with how I described certain characters and how I made them react to certain scenarios. So for instance in my portrayal of Blaise as it seems everyone loves to give me hell for that: I apologize to those who wanted him to be referred to as only Italian and that's it. However, in MY depiction I liked him better as being a Black boy ( hence why I described as African American because I am FROM Canada and when I was 14 that's the best way I could describe one I THOUGHT without making any feel upset.) this being said apparently I was wrong.

I apologize sincerely for what it's doing to you as readers but at the same time, attacking me and saying that I'm hurting you with my descriptions isn't the best way to take YOUR anger out on authors. I don't have a beta therefor all the editing was done by me as a fourteen year old the same time it was written.

Therefore I love that most of the audience who have read my books enjoy it as I did try really hard on the plot development, and I'm glad for the occasional helpful tips on how to improve it really and I'm actually debating on going back this summer if I have time and reading it to a more mature level read and lengthening the plot and romance level of it. Though lately I'm not feeling as if doing that is the best course of action and am really debating on just deleting it along with my other book because I can't deal with getting attacked everyday it seems with something I've been told countless times over that I did wrong or that I'm hurting people.

My books are there for Harry Potter fans to enjoy and wonder about what would happen in an alternate universe nothing more, nothing less. If you can't handle my idea on it or start to not enjoy it please feel free to stop reading before you start attacking me.

This is my last NOTICE and if it continues on negatively the book with be deleted and likely my account as well because what is the point in writing for enjoyment of others when all I do is get torn down over and over again.

- Mackenzie

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