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The next few weeks Draco did get trained by Bellatrix after school hours. It was odd training though unlike what he thought it would be. Call him daft but he honestly figured it would be similar to therapy sessions and mediation and anger management so he didn't rip the persons throat out who so much as looked at his mate the wrong way. But oh, how wrong he was.

Their training sessions did start off with controlling his emotions but in different ways then he thought. It started off with him basically being repeatedly baited into arguments and physical fights with his aunt to the point where he had to restrain himself as to not pounce her. After the third day he could brush off her insults and not react at all besides being diplomatic without backing down from a challenge.

Then on the second week he was most surprised when his Aunt brought in his old dorm mate and one of his few true friends, Blaise Zabini. To say he was upset and angry would be understatement. Draco completely went off the walls when she brought him in thinking she had gone psycho at trusting someone with this secret of his and that he would hurt his best mate. But, after a few hours of gentle coaxing from his aunt and Blaise trying not run his mouth at Draco's changed appearance and new hair trend, he agreed to let Blaise help him.

Then there training took a more drastic measure where Bellatrix would unexpectedly put Blaise in danger and Draco had to learn to control all his inner instincts to put an end to her existence for putting one of his loved ones at risk. He got that almost completely foolproof the fourth day and then after there sessions he stayed later to help Draco keep up with all his homework in his other classes.

Then by three weeks of it all Bellatrix believed he would be ready to return normally to his classes. Every night though before going to sleep he had to take this potion his godfather had created from him. It to put simply, dialed down his natural Veela allurement, which is a magical kind of vibe he gave off that seduced everyone near by, only other magical beings and his mate could not react to it. Anyone else would fall pityingly at his feet and be completely attracted to him. another potion his godfather had him taking regularly was an magical inheritance tonic, which dimmed all his creature inheritances so they were bearable.

So say if his mate got hurt, he wouldn't completely fly off the handle searching for blood of the one who did it and it alsoreduced the sharp pains in his chest from not being with his mate to a simple dull throb like before. The only thing they couldn't control sadly was his emotions. He was if possible, more moody and couldn't grasp his feelings well. It wasn't necessarily the random start bawling your eyes out emotional but more like if something angered him he'd have to restrain himself from freaking out.

Most peculiarly though was about the second week in of his training he started filling with a deep sadness that was painful to watch even with the potions. He'd simply stare into the fire and silently cry for no reason except his unnerving sadness and the missing of someone he didn't have, and didn't know. It was heartbreaking for his Aunt and godfather to watch as he slowly lost hope he didn't even know he had. Every day away from the people who could be his possible mate didn't help either.

You could tell after the third week that he couldn't last much longer with out the interaction of everyone as he slowly slipped into the depression that formed around him. His eyes looked lifeless now, no longer filled with the sparkle they once had. His face looking pale like always, but more sickly than elegant and beautiful. It was painful watching the beautiful boy and even Blaise started to notice his friends sadness during their homework sessions in front of the fire. It wasn't until two days before he was allowed to return back to his normal classes did Blaise finally ask him about it.

They sat in front of the small warm floor near the fireplace for light as they worked on a herbology essay for Professor Sprout, it was later at night maybe eight or nine and his Aunt had already left the room to get ready for her classes tomorrow. During their writing it had been unusually silent between the two boys who usually talked or bantered about something relatively interesting to them both, but tonight it was silent. Out of the corner of his dark brown eyes Blaise observed his best friend closely, taking in his appearance slowly and noticing the few changes that had occurred.

Last night Bellatrix had insisted on Draco receiving a haircut so he no longer had to pull it back in a tie of some sort. He didn't argue to much of it, Blaise remembered as he basically let the woman chop off a good two inches leaving it long enough just to pushed behind his ears and for it to lightly fall into his eyes, not that he let it. No, he almost always quickly brushed it out of his eyes.

His skin was paler though, and his eyes now a dull stony grey, emotionless and empty looking now that Blaise observed him in such detail. He had lost weight as well. Not a considerable amount, but enough to notice if you looked carefully. His lips were chapped and bitten raw now most times he came around now.

Then quietly as Blaise watched his best friend he was startled to see a small tear leak down his cheek and onto the parchment below he was writing heavily on. Now most friends wouldn't be too concerned at seeing their friend cry, but for Blaise and Draco it was huge. Neither of the boys ever showed much emotion, in fact it was never shown. They both wore their high and mighty masks of cold, strong confident leaders so well that there was, no need to show emotions to others. They had never seen the other cry before. At least not until now.

Slowly, tear by tear they skidded down the pale Slytherin's face and on to his work. Not able to stand being silent anymore and not say anything, Blaise asked in a quiet voice few had ever heard besides his little sister at home when she had heard their parents fighting again.

"Draco?" he asked, making the blonde look to him with tears still leaking down his face. His eyes turning red and puffy from the constant abuse on his overused tear ducts.

"A-Are you okay?"

Letting a choked up sound free from his sullen throat, Draco looked down and wiped at his eyes and tear stained cheeks. Blaise didn't know what to do. With his sister he always just held her until she felt better, but he could hardly do that with Draco could he? Draco's shoulders started to shake from long supressed cries and sorrows he brought his knees to his chest, forgetting his work and cried painfully into the silence of the room.

Deciding to take a gamble and risk with his friendship for Draco he slowly moved closer and hugged Draco as he started to cry harder, now rushed and painful breathes tumbling out of his small muscled body. Sobs echoed throughout the small living space as he held Draco in his long tanned arms, the sound slightly muffled from his buttoned white shirt.

"It hurts Blaise," Draco choked out his face still buried in his shoulder as he cried more.

"It hurts so fucking much," he sobbed.

"I know," Blaise muttered as he held the trembling boy, "I know."

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