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It was later that night when Harry finally came around. He awoke in the Hospital Wing greeted with yells and screams of protest from what sounded like an enraged and animalistic Draco Malfoy. His screams and shouts, although slowly getting farther away from Harry could be lightly heard, even after the sound of a heavy door being slammed, soon followed by the sound of keys and a dead bolt locking him in.

Once the inky haired boy had finally opened his vibrant green eyes he then noticed that he was strapped to a small cot with a few people surrounding the bed. One was Madam Pomfrey who was hushing orders to her new intern, who was scurrying round the wing trying to keep people away from both Harry and the seeming cement like cell and the person locked with in. Along with her, Hermione and Ron sat together on his left side in two small visitors' chairs looking paler then before and about to be sick with nervousness. Then, most shocking to Harry, there as a completely frantic and worrisome looking Narcissa Malfoy who looked about to burst into tears at any given moment, whom was getting comforted by her well known, and feared husband, Lucius Malfoy.

None of them noticing the boy was awake; he slowly tried to sit up only to be engulfed in a tight hug by his best friends. However, as that happened yells of pain was heard from the cell.

"Oh Harry," Hermione exhaled a breath of relief as she pulled away looking very much concerned for him.

"Thank goodness you're alright. Ron and I didn't know what to do with what happened, anything we tried to do just didn't seem to work, it was like we were in a complete body bind and-"

However, the bushy haired girl was soon cut off by Ron saying, "Jesus Hermione, let the man breathe he was just unconscious for three hours."

"Sorry," she said with a sheepish smile.

"Anyway's we're both glad you're okay mate," He summed up with his usual lazy lopsided grin.

"Thanks guys," Harry croaked out, his voice very sore and dry.

His brows furrowing with confusion he asked, "I'm sorry, but why are you two here?" Now looking over at the Malfoy's who looked much relieved that he was okay.

Ignoring the question entirely, the blonde woman offered a kind smile, "Harry, I can call you that right? I'm just here to ask if you remember anything to what happened from earlier on today regarding my son, Draco."

Suddenly a flash of events went through Harry's head on what had happened out by the Shrieking Shack. Feeling his blood go cold and his heart race speed up at the thought of might happen to Draco if he said exactly what had happened, Harry swallowed the lump forming in his throat and answered the woman's question.

"Well Mrs. Malfoy, my friends were out viewing the Shrieking Shack while I quickly went into a Honeyduke's to buy a gift for a friend's birthday and when I came back I saw Draco and Ron fighting. Obviously I didn't want either of them to get banned from Hogsmeade, so I went to go break up the fight, when..." he trailed off not knowing how to continue on.

"Go on," she urged wanting to hear more as she looked concernedly at her husband.

"When he saw me it as almost like he did wandless magic. The entire place around us went cold, not un-similar to when dementor's are flying overhead. The plants went frosty and the small puddles froze over. I was mad of course so I didn't take much notice of these details but then I noticed his eyes, the usual molten silver I was used to when quarrelling with him was suddenly pitch black." He slightly shivered remembering the cold.

"Zabini had jumped him and was now pinned to the ground but it was like Draco was possessed by like an evil cat or something. He stared me in the eyes again as Zabini yelled at me to back up, and I did but not fast enough, because then I was somewhere else entirely and watching memories of Draco's like you would in a pensive." He then looked up at the two platinum blonde parents.

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