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Sixteen years later:

The hustle and bustle at the Potter-Malfoy household in Godric's Hallow was quite a sight to see, especially on such an important day such as this. Draco, running around he house, similar to that of a chicken with its head cut of trying to find all of his eldest daughter, Lyra's possessions so she can get them in her now very hefty trunk.

"Lyra, I thought I told you to make sure everything was packed yesterday as we wouldn't have time to go scurrying around the house to find everything!" Draco said as he helped his anxious daughter scale the living room which was brightly fully decorated to find one of her new and missing textbooks.

"I know, I know Papa. I thought I had everything," she spoke in her soft voice quickly checking underneath the couch cushions just as little five year old James came running through the living room in nothing but boxers and a messy breakfast stained shirt. James had sadly inherited Harry's unruly black hair but retained Draco's pale completion as he ran from his enraged husband.

James was soon followed by a frustrated and exhausted looking Harry, wearing a dusty flour covered apron and holding a small six month year old blonde baby against his hip.

"James Severus Potter! What did I tell you about running in the house! Now get over here so I can was your face!" He shouted as the boy ran giggling and laughing at his obviously mad parents. However as soon as Harry realized that the mischievous and doubtfully fast kid of his wasn't going to stop anytime soon he turned to see the two other parts of his family still searching.

"What are you looking for Lyra?" Harry asked curiously as he readjusted the baby Scorpius on his hip, as he seemed about to squawk at the uncomfortable position.

"Nothing dad," she quickly replied. Knowing better Harry quirked a small smile as Draco looked underneath the couch. "If you're looking for the charms textbook that you left in here yesterday, I'll tell you that I placed it on your dresser in your room yesterday."

Gasping slightly she quickly ran from the room and up the stairs, which was soon met with more yells from Harry telling her not to run in the house. Chuckling at the sight of his obviously exhausted husband Draco kissed the side of his forehead just as he ranted, "My children act as if they were born with baboons! Always bounding around like a bunch of lunatics!"

"Calm down love, they're just in a hurry," Draco mumbled still laughing at his obviously ticked husband.

I'll show them a hurry," He muttered under his breath as Draco silenced him by pecking his lips.

"You're going to be late if you and Lyra don't hurry your arses up to that train station, after all it doesn't wait for anyone," Harry reprimanded as he slowly walked into the kitchen and set Scorpius up into his high chair to finish eating while Harry cleared off the table.

"I know Harry well get there on time."

"I'm just saying that you should start to hurry," He commented just as he heard the thundering of James's feet running upstairs.

"JAMES SEVERUS GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Harry yelled in anger finally having enough of the misbehaving boy.

Timidly the said dark haired boy, with Draco's silver eyes came bustling down the stairs and looked terrified at his dad for getting in such trouble. He was soon then swept off his feet and sat down on a wooden chair around the dining table. Son after his plate of eggs was slid back in front of him while his father gave him heck.

"How many bloody times do I have to tell you, not to run in the house!?! James when are you ever going to learn! You're five years old you need to start acting like it!" He continued on with his back turned to the pair of his children and his husband, which was making funny faces at Scorpius as he fed him baby food that tasted of squash.

Sighing after his long rant to James, Harry turned to him and stated while grabbing his empty tea cup and Lyra's finished plate of pancakes and told James simply, "Eat your eggs please."

It was within a few minutes when Lyra had finally walked down the stairs of their home, sure that she had everything. They all hurriedly said their goodbyes, Harry trying not to fuss over how big his little girl is getting and making sure to remind her to write lots. But just before they flooed away Draco kissed Harry on the lips briefly and said smiling, "I love you."

And before Harry could even reply the two were gone off to the legendary train station, leaving him home alone with their remaining children until he returned. This life may not be how Harry expected his future life to turn out to be, but it sure was a good one all the same. After all, he now had a happy and healthy family. What else could be more rewarding than that ?

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