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Draco had just barely fell asleep at four AM when he heard his alarm clock going off repeatedly somewhere off to the left side of his head. For the last couple weeks Draco hadn't bothered to set his alarm since he had no reason to get up early since he wasn't attending classes, but today was a must seeing as how he was attending his first class since the first day of term in three weeks. In all honesty Draco was petrified for today, probably the reason he couldn't sleep last night. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep, it was the simple fact that he couldn't. Everyday the sharp pains in his chest seemed to multiply making it almost unbearable even with the pain relievers and potions given to him by both Professor Snape and Madam Promfrey.

Groaning as he opened his tired eyes, with dark circles quite noticeable beneath them, due to his pale skin, Draco dragged himself from his bed and slipped into his normal school morning routine of showering and getting ready. Within half an hour Draco was showered and clothed in his usual Slytherin uniform attire with a white buttoned shirt, green tie and black slacks. resting on the sofa in the common room he had his customary black robes next to his school bag filled with the necessities for the day.

Last night after Draco's embarrassing and most uncalled for crying fest over Blaise, Draco shuddered and went red remembering how he had basically poured out all his emotions on his friend, they acted as if nothing had happened and Blaise had agreed to meet him here so they could walk down to the great hall together. It wasn't as though Draco couldn't manage on his own, for he most certainly could. He just simply would prefer not to be gawked at more then usual on his was to the great hall, because it was almost guaranteed that the school had noticed the absence of their dear Slytherin Prince.

Draco bit his already raw and chapped lips as he quickly took his three vials of potions like every other day. No, Draco wasn't incapable of doing everything by himself, on the contrary belief of many he's a very independent person, he just really craved and wanted some moral support from something of a friend, and it seemed that Blaise was most willing to be that for him.

Draco had just finished his potions when he heard a light knock at his portrait hole. Sighing and running a hand through his tousled blonde locks, Draco swung his school bag over his shoulder and stuffed his school robe inside as well, as he swept across the room to meet his expected visitor. Taking a deep breath and mentally preparing himself for what was to come he walked through the portrait hole to meet Blasie.

They didn't talk much as they swept through the castle corridors and closer to the great hall, besides the normal morning pleasantries' of good morning and if they slept well, after that it was painstaking silence. Draco didn't really mind of course as his senses were already overloaded by quick pace and change of his environment with his new senses on high alert not to mention his slight fear of when they actually arrive at the hall.

As soon as Draco had stepped outside the portrait hall his nose was assaulted with the smell of the daily morning feast of breakfast, from halfway across the castle. He could smell the overwhelming scents of bacon, eggs and slightly burnt toast wafting through the air. It wasn't just the delicious breakfast he could smell though, he was also assaulted with a less pleasant smell of teenagers meaning a light mixture of the chemical flower smell mostly worn by the girls an the musky boyish smell wafting off the boys. It was most distracting for Draco.

Not just the smells were confusing him though, his eyes couldn't seem to focus on anything. They kept picking out small insignificant details from nowhere such as a small fracture through a stone wall on the third corridor off of the muggle studies room. Sighing and shaking his head Draco tried endlessly to block everything from his mind, but most unfortunately it only seemed to get steadily worse as they approached the hall.

Blaise on the other hand wasn't paying attention what so ever to his surroundings, instead he was watching his best mate who was strolling beside him out of the corner of his eye. Now, Blaise wasn't the most observant person in the world but even he could tell that Draco was getting no better. He was still rigid and stiff as he walked and his eyes still held no color, but a slate boring grey of no emotion. Looking closely to his face Draco could detect slight signs of nervousness though, he was chewing his lip -which Blaise had noticed is becoming a most strange habit of his- and his eyes had huge dark circles beneath them. Blaise sighed it appeared as though Draco hadn't gotten much sleep after he had left.

Soon they arrived in the hallway just outside the castle doors leading into the great hall when suddenly Draco came to a quick stop and starred straight ahead with wide eyes. Blaise stopped as well and looked at his best friend.

"Draco?" He asked taking in his odd behaviour, "What's wrong?"

Draco's eyes darted to Blaise's searching his face with fear written clearly across his own.

"He's inside."

"What? Who?" Blaise replied with a look of befuddlement and his eyebrows scrunched together, most unattractively.

Draco clenched his teeth together trying to gain control of himself as he felt his body want to run into the hall more then anything. His body yearned to be with his mate, it ached at thought of him without himself.

"My mate," he basically growled as her curled his hands into tight fists at his sides.

Blaise's eyes widened as his mouth formed the shape of an 'o' not quite sure how to proceed. On one hand he could Draco straight to class and avoid the whole confrontation, or he could escort Draco to the Slytherin table and try to prevent him from going after his unsuspecting mate, and see if they can determine who it is. Blaise studied how Draco was acting and could visiably see him struggling to stay in control.

"Well," Blaise started as he rubbed the back of his neck, "We need to eat before class, If you want I can stay right by your side incase anything happens."

Draco's eyes widened if possible even more as terror plainly showed across his face.

"B-But what if I try to go after him and-"

Blaise smiled in response and quickly cut him off by saying, "I'll be right beside you the whole time, okay? Trust me."

Draco looked down at his slightly shuffling feet before nodding his head slowly, biting hard enough on the inside of his cheek that he tasted blood.

Blaise smiled small one more and then said, "Are you ready?"

Draco nodded his head once again and together the two Slytherin boys walked inside the hall.

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