chapter six

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The next thing that happened made many people within the room jump from the sudden sound, then like a domino affect, five third year Hufflepuff's ran over like the good samaritans they are and helped the woozy and unconscious kid up. Yes, believe it or not a kid actually fainted after the entire ordeal or spooky inscriptions and audios played like music for the entire hall. Fainted. Then again it wasn't as though Harry could say much about it as he fainted a few years prior to this simply because a soul sucking dementor showed on the Hogwarts Express looking for his wanted Godfather. Now that was sure a wild year. 

She was maybe in year two, with a mess of blonde curls and very pale skin, though that could because she had just fallen off a bench and smacked her head on the cold stone floor. The Hufflepuff third years were currently walking her delicately over to Madam Pomfrey the schools med nurse to get her checked for a concussion. Every few steps Harry could see her stumble though from lack of balance and the one boy had to help in holding her up. Meanwhile after seeing this display the medinurse was already trotting her way quickly to the closest side for them to meet halfway, a penlight already in her left hand. While this all went down for everyone to plainly see, the rest of the students within the hall sat in various states of paranoid alertness and shock.

Harry noticed that the majority of the Gryffindor house and table all sat in deep thought and some talking quietly to one another attempting to figure out who would dare vandalize school property. Well at least most of them were, Fred and George were more or less hoping the could meet the guy who pulled it off and recruit them as they had enough balls to sneak into the Slytherin Dungeons and set off the Bloody Baron in screaming fits. Talk about talent there.

The Ravenclaws, as organized and thought out as they were, seemed to be scribbling something down on any available scraps of parchment they could find and one muggleborn girl was even writing out something on post it notes with a red ball point pen. Harry had half a mind to ask her for one as a quill was a lot of work to use, until he heard her rambling in a similar way to Hermione when she got excited about something to her other housemates who all nodded along and started to scribble faster.

The majority of the Hufflepuffs seemed to be stuck on wondering if their one housemate was okay and helping her to the table and asking if she was alright after her not so scary fall. One sixth year Prefect even offered to escort her back to their common rooms early. Harry was having to force himself not to shake his head at the over reacting they were doing to a teensy fall.

The Slytherin table, though Harry obviously didn't look at the snow blonde boy when taking note of this because they were enemies and enemies don't look at one another ever unless they were glaring. And that is also why Harry didn't take note of how the boy had his barely there eyebrows scrunched together in deep thought or that he was mindlessly staring off into space while tapping his long fingers quietly against the wooden table. No, Harry didn't notice this at all.

The staff members on the other hand all seemed to be taking the news and random voice audio of prophecy's all in different ways. Most of them all seemed to be confused and attempting to glance between one another with the standard 'what-the-hell-just-happened?-please-tell-me-someone-knows-what's-going-on!' face. And if they weren't doing that and staring off in space and shooting looks at one another they were either scribbling down long things on parchment scraps like the Ravenclaws, also known as Professor Trelawney and Sinistra. Or they were the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall who were in a very rushed conversation which ended with her glaring daggers at the man and him looking ready to cry with bloodshot eyes.

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