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After waking up once again a day or so later feeling much better then he had before. His arms and legs no longer ached, his mind was clear and sharp for the first time in months. He felt like a new person.

Then suddenly he smelt something; Like a mixture of dark chocolate, peppermint and rain. Draco sat up to get a better sniff of it but it seems as if it disappeared.

'Odd,' he thought to himself.

He never had that good of a sense of smell before. Suddenly overwhelmed with the sense of confinement Draco started pulling at the tight sheets of the gurney he was strapped to, trying to get free.

Then the sound of footsteps came shockingly close to the door locked firmly shut. He didn't actually know of it was locked, but assumed so. The twisting and clicking from it only confirmed what he had already suspected, that he had been indeed locked in.

"What do you think you are doing Mister Malfoy!?" The stern voice of the medinurse asked as she strutted into the room. With her she brought the smell of homemade cookies, cough drops and a small look of displease present upon her wrinkled face.

"Trying to get out of this bloody bed," Draco replied clippedly but his voice surprised him. He was rather used to his voice before, seeing as he constantly used it to boast and give his well needed opinions and orders, but suddenly it sounded almost more reserved and dare he say it, bell like.

'I must be going mad,' he thought to himself.

The nurse didn't so much as blink at the sound of his voice but simply replied, "Language Mister Malfoy. I'm sure your mother wouldn't approve of such obscenities."

Both sighed one in exasperation the other in concentration as she checked the machines hooked to the young mans arm. "Your mother is waiting outside waiting to be let in. I was told she has some important things to discuss with you once you feel alright."

"I'm fine." He drawled glaring lightly.

"I figured you'd say as much." She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips tight, "I'll send her in shortly."

"Whatever," he muttered while she continued to fiddle with the machines and detach whatever she had pumping into him.

After moment or two the nurse left taking the smell of cookies and cough drops with her and in came in his mother looking as regal and composed as ever. As she walked over to Draco her face broke into a wide smile showing her white teeth. As she came closer Draco was assaulted with the delicate smell of daffodils and what could only be described as her. She smelt like home and everything good in the world.

"Draco," she said most happily. "I was so worried of you, my little dragon. How are you? Does anything hurt?" She quipped with a worried expression, cleanly read across her face.

Overwhelmed with joy he smiled back truly and replied, "I'm better and no, nothing hurts except when I move too fast, otherwise I'm fine. How are you? And why are you at Hogwarts?"

"I am well and I'm here because I received a letter saying of your illness, your father and I immediately left to see you." She said as if it were a simple thing with not much importance.

"Father is here?" He asked quickly his heart tightening ever quickly. His father wasn't one to come for meaningless expenditures or visits, especially to something such as a mediocre school.

"Was," she corrected.

"He left a day or so ago while I remained to . . . explain things to you." She pursed her lips in a thin line.

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