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Draco sat patiently waiting for the headmaster to continue. He was waiting for him to start quizzing his family on what had happened, but the headmaster didn't do such a thing. He sat almost at ease as he twirled his tea with a dainty looking spoon to match the floral cup. You could feel the tension within the air though, it almost leaked off every person present in the room, similar to the smell of everyone. Draco still finding it bizarre how much he could smell, let it pass and tried to block it from his mind.

Taking in a sharp breath his mother began to speak.
"Albus don't you want to discuss or ask, anything?" She inquired hesitantly.

"Oh my dear Narcissa," he started with a smile, "there are many things I'd like to ask and discuss. I am simply being respectful and waiting for you to fill Draco in."

Draco felt his head swim. That's the second time someone had teased at the idea of him not knowing something that everyone else did, needless it say it bothered Draco endlessly.

"Mother," he spoke trying to cover up the bitterness in his voice, "I'd like to hear what you have to say. Right now."

"Draco-" she began.

"Now," He demanded.

"I god damn deserve to know everything that involves me. I'm not a child no more, so stop treating me as one."

Biting her lip Naricssa begins to speak. "You're of magical creature descent, meaning that you don't just have wizarding magical blood, but creature magical blood as well." She paused letting that sink in to the pale face sitting next to her.

"Like what I was saying before in the hospital wing our magical blood was gift a long time ago and the genes run wild, they resurface only once per generation usually." She looked down at her hands as she felt the tension thicken in the air.

"What creature mother?" Draco asked stony faced, void of emotion. His head of house and godfather to boot, was most surprised of this. He knew Draco had a short temper and seemed to bottle up his emotions and Snape was readily waiting for the timed explosion.

Narcissa seemed to stutter and not be able to form words at this as her eyes looked anywhere but at him.

"What creature am I mother?" He repeated in the same manor but now an iciness has slipped in.

She then uttered the words she had been terrified to speak since the day he was born. The simple words that labeled her son and doomed him entirely.

"A Sirenes Mors." Everyone could feel the air in the room freeze and the happiness seem to disappear almost instantaneously.

"How is that possible? That species died out centuries ago!" McGonagal exclaimed in both fear and awe of the two Malfoy's.

Ignoring her question Narcissa continued, speaking directly to the headmaster this time. "Due to what is going to be happening to my son since he reached his inheritance-"

"Inheritance?"'Draco asked suddenly.

"When you come of age to gain your magical abilities. You came into your magical creature inheritance on your birthday I presume," his godfather said from a corner standing next to a self portrait of a past Hufflepuff headmaster.

"Then why did I only get the side effects a few days ago? My birthday is in the beginning of June." Draco asked once again his curiosity getting the better of him once more.

"Your body was mentally, physically and emotionally preparing itself for gaining the inheritance, hence why four months later you received the after effects." His mother explained in an undertone.

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