chapter one

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02 - FAKES

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Many years later and many more miles away another boy much like the other awakes with a shock, though he does not cry out like the infant from his dream. He awoke in a cherry red train compartment, propped against a slick with fog window from the drastic temperature changes. The boy, though much closer to the age of a man being a rough estimate of sixteen years old had the hair of night and a strange scar on the left side of his forehead. He was known all around the world as the boy who lived, and more commonly as the boy who lied thanks to the gossip encouraging, rumour making newspapers of the Ministry of Magic. Though despite it all he much rather preferred to be called by his name and that only; Harry Potter.

"You okay?" The girl leaned up against him asked, her hair like that of the train and eyes like mud puddles in spring. She gave him a reassuring smile which didn't fully reach her eyes as her forehead creased with multiple worry lines.

"Yeah, just funny dream is all..." He trailed off not knowing what else to say as he sat himself up more. Glancing around with still fuzzy eyes from sleep, he sees across from him sitting side by side were his best friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald, though he preferred Ron, Weasley. Hermione as always on the train ride to school, which was where they were headed he remembered quickly as his stomach bursted with excitement at the thought, had her freckled nose stuffed in a ginormous book. Harry didn't really know how she could handle it. Reading... all day.... and enjoying it... girls were very strange. Ron on the other hand was simply staring at him now with a rather peculiar expression and a thick wad of Droobles blowing gum in his mouth.

"Di'ja have a'ther nigh'mare?" The gangly boy asked around a mouthful of droopy pink gum. Harry shrugged in response, unsure of how to answer the question as he didn't really remember anything from it at all. Except for the crackling fire and the weird singing. Maybe Voldemort's new tactic was to make him go crazy with foreigner singing? Now that was something bizarre to picture.

"I don't think so... I mean, I don't really remember much of it."

Suddenly the snapping of a thick book gave him a jolt as he was met with the inquisitive state of the brightest witch in their grade, and likely Hogwarts. Hermione gave Harry a quick once over with her chocolate eyes, completely ignoring the redhead attached to his arm as she gave him concerned looks, "I think you should talk to Professor Dumbledore about these dreams of yours, Harry."

"Why? They're not bothering anyo–"

"They could be really bad through Har-Har, I mean what if he gets in your head again or tries to do to you what he did to me?" The said redhead on his arm spoke, giving him a big brown pout which Hermione thought made her look like a constipated bullfrog, while Harry and Ron felt suddenly really guilty for no reason at all.

"But that won't happen Ginny because unlike you Harry isn't messing around with any of Voldemort's old junk," Hermione snipped back. She felt moderately guilty afterwards but not enough to apologize to her, as the two redheaded siblings flinched at the use of the taboo name. It's not that she was angry or particularly mad at Ginny, it's just she was getting annoyed with her constant appearance in their group. Ever since her and Harry has gotten together over the summer she hadn't been able to ever talk to the two boys alone about anything. Not to mention that as soon as she brought something up to them the attention seeking girl would suddenly change the subject or take them away to do Merlin only knows what.

Ginny's eyes narrowed at the curly haired muggleborn with a look not so pleasant, not that any of the males present happened to notice at all. Ron usually unobservant and described by friends as obtuse, watched the interaction between the girls with heightened interest. He had an inkling that something more serious then mindless girly disagreements was going on between his sister and female best friend, and that in itself was worrying.

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