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Draco stood staring in the mirror in complete and utter shock with only one thought doing circles in his head,

'What the hell had happened?'

Now Draco knew that with his rediscoved magical bloodlines that some changes were about to come underway, but Draco had never thought that his appearence would be the first thing to change. In fact Draco had thought that maybe his appearance would be left alone completely, obviously that was wishful thinking on Draco's part. Sighing loudly Draco examined his new face in the mirror with higher detail now.

It had stayed relatively the same, his face and cheek bones were simply higher giving him a more defined face an more pronounced aristocratic features. His eyes that were a dull storm grey before, had changed completely with what looks to be a hundred or so more different pigmented greys swirling inside. Draco also noticed that progressively his hair had been growing longer and longer. Last night before he went to sleep it was just brushing into his eyes but now the long locks dangled completely into his eyes and to the tops of his cheek bones, he most unhappy with that. His skin was the same pale milky white but now looked softer? Shaking his head Draco pushed the annoying hair behind his ears and proceeded to get ready to meet his aunt. once finished his usual shower, brushing his teeth and face washing Draco stared at his hair helplessly in the mirror.

'This must be what Potter feels like every morning,' he thought to himself staring at the long blonde heap attached to his head.

Tentatively he looked into the medicine drawer in the bathroom until near the back he found a small cup full of scissors, tweezers and a few hair ties. Thanking Merlin he grabbed one of the hair ties and does what he had seen Pansy and Daphne do thousands of times in the Slytherin common room and pull his hair back into a messy pony tail. Finally deeming himself presentable he walked out the bathroom to see his aunt already waiting in his common room with a small tray of food on the farthest arm chair and all spread out on the coffee table were papers, vials and a family tree on a scroll by the looks of it.

Breathing out loudly Draco went and sat on the loveseat. Bellatrix once again bid him good morning as she studied a piece of old parchment in her hands with a frown. While he waited for her to say something more, Draco picked a small blueberry muffin off the silver tray on the armchair and studied his Aunt. Draco had come to the conclusion that she looked different that morning, and not just because she had gotten near to no sleep, no thanks to him. Yes something was different with the witch from last night, granted she wasn't wearing her usual dark and gloomy robes, but a pair of muggle pants made of denim that clung to the bottom half of her body and a fitted black jumper with hair up in a messy do, not un-similar to Draco's. Draco pondered on what may have changed in those short few hours, when the black haired witch looked up and pulled him from his thoughts asking, "Are you actually going to eat that muffin of just stare at me?"

Draco went a light shade of pink at the accusation before replying, "Sorry Aunt Bella."

She chuckled, "Its fine. Now if you can follow along and listen while eating maybe we can have the afternoon off from studying and go into preparing you for going to your classes regularly. Sound good?" Draco nodded his head, while taking a small bite from the muffin.

"So," she started, "as you can see, lying before you is a stack of parchments and a few quills, and of course the few vials and potions I have in the basket underneath the table. Then off to the side we have the Black family tree dated all the way back to when the gift was first given." Bellatrix the paused and looked to see if Draco was still paying attention and following what she was saying, thankfully he was.

"Now in order for us to figure out exactly what we're dealing with I need to administrate a few tests on you using the charms and potions after a basic questionnaire, hosted by yours truly." As Bellatrix said that Draco's face came into a deep frown as he stared at the coffee table with disdain.

"Aunt Bella," he started to say. "I thought we already knew what I had inherited. I'm a Sirenes Mors, so why do I need to go under some tests to prove it if we already know?"

Bellatrix smiled sourly, "That's the problem with our genes Draco, they don't stay to its one creature, the magical genes are all mixed up and confused so they intertwine, for all we know you could have a bit of dementor and unicorn blood mixed inside."

His eyes bulged at the mention of dementor. How could his ancestors, the Blacks, mate with a dementor!?!? Its bloody barmy!

Swallowing the bile that was slowly rising in his throat he says, "So what are we starting with?"

"The questionnaire if that's alright?" Draco numbly nodded as he sat back farther into the love seat and got prepared to basically spill his guts to his, until recently, absent aunt. Bellatrix enchanted a parchment and quill to write down what she asked and his answers on what she deemed important.

"Alright, Dragon are you ready?" she asked with a small look of pity.

"Yes," he replied and then like a gun she shot multiple questions at him at lightning speed. Some so fast he barely understood what he was saying, for most he said the first thing that came to mind, not thinking clearly in what was spewing from his mouth.

The questions at first seemed harmless enough inquiring about his health, how he felt, if there was any mood swings that sort of thing. A few of the less important questions asked though was some about his hobbies and past times and who he enjoys spending time with.

Then eventually, Draco hoping they were near the end as he was starting to get a mild headache, was asked how he would react in scenarios. All of the scenarios were most unlikely to happen that he didn't know how to respond so, like all the questions before, he went with what first came to mind, and some of them weren't the most nicest of responses, for example;

Bellatrix: If given the choice on how to punish the person who had hurt someone you loved or threatened to take away your loves life, how would you react?

Draco: Stick them on a torch and let them burn to a crisp like the old Salem witches, only after I made them physically pay for what they had done.

Bellatrix: So torture?

Draco: Yes.

By the end of the questionnaire Draco was exhausted but Bellatrix don't let that stop her from continuing on with her research. After that she simply stowed away the parchment in a pocket in her denim pants and charmed a few of the parchments and told him to write an incantation that she told him using the bright red dragon blood. Not objecting to his aunt he did as he was told and did that to three of the five parchments. Bellatrix then had him spit in six vials and she took twenty eight drops of blood for twelve vials. Now not only did Draco have a headache but he was dizzy from loss of blood to.

Noticing his state, Bellatrix played a quick charm on him to re-energize the boy, she then bit her lip at the last test she needed to administer on her nephew.

"Draco," she spoke quieter and less demanding then before. "Can I have your hand please?"

"What? Why?" she asked befuddlement crossing his aristocrat features.

"Just one last test I need to try," she reassured.

"Oh," he replied feeling embarrassed by his foolishness and handed over his hand.

Draco's hand was placed on the dark haired witches lap and she then quickly pulled out her oddly bent wand and muttered an old curse. All of sudden Draco screamed at the top his lungs as his chest where that constant throb seemed to have taken permanent residence, multiplied so much he could hardly bare. Bellatrix's features darkened as she witnessed what she had hoped wasn't true but of course fate could never be kind to her family.

She felt her heart falter in pain as the nephew she loved withered in the pain of the curse that replicated that of a mate dying. If Draco didn't have a mate he simply wouldn't have felt anything at all, but if he did however he would feel the curse, and judging by the way he reacted Draco most certainly had a mate. Now the only question was, who is it and could they accept Draco?

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