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Hogsmeade was as busy as ever, Draco noticed while he and Blaise had hopped out the carriage. Students ran to and forth from shop to shop, always exiting with more bags then the time they had went in with.

Draco had never particularly like's crowds, due the feeling of not being able to get out and the usually ridiculous amount of noise coming from all directions. Now with his new and fully working heightened senses, Draco disliked them even more. He could hear person so much as whisper from three blocks away and know exactly what he said. Honestly, he knew more gossip and secrets about people he didn't know or even care about them he should have. Thanks to the gossip mill known formally as Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Draco knew all the details about who's dating who's sleeping with who, who's kissed who, who's had an abortion and when, who stole who's clothing, who's spreading gossip about who and so on. Honestly, none of the stuff he ever heard was valuable or noteworthy and needed but, needless to say he knew it anyways. Hell, he even knew Padma Patil and her sisters monthly cycle dates for the next three years thanks to them.

Anyways, after Blaise and Draco had finished their needed stock re-supply and shopping everywhere, they simply walked around the square looking and pointing out anything somewhat interesting and amusing. They browsed through Zonko's and decided to purchase some sweets from Honeyduke's, but overall they just wasted time not wanting to return the castle too early. It was about eleven o'clock or so when the two decided to take a stroll out to see the Shrieking Shack, which was supposedly haunted. Draco wasn't an idiot and knew it wasn't, after all he wasn't five years old. However, upon walking down the steep hill, slightly damp from the rain last night, giving the whole area a nice earthy smell, they saw two figures standing down below, looking to be getting all loved up.

Suddenly feeling a surge of jealousy pinch in his stomach, he didn't think when he called just as he had a few years prior.

"You two shopping for your new dream home? Or this time did you actually purchase it? After all you should be able to afford something that cheap, eh Weasel bee?" Smirking he watched, just like they had before, the faces of Weasel bee as he called him, and his recent acquaintance Hermione Granger spin around with looks of fury on their faces.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" The brown haired girl screeched at him, as the boy standing next to her turned as red as his hair. Honestly, Malfoy didn't see much fun in poking fun at the two Griffindorks themselves anymore, however he started now so no sense stopping.

"Well you and I both know that Weasel bee here can't exactly buy anything higher in price then a gallon or so,"

"Sod off Malfoy," the red haired boy remarked sharply.

All the while this is happening, while Malfoy got himself in yet another verbal debate with the two Gryffindor's, Blaise was glancing around when he suddenly saw Potter making his was towards them. Having a fairly good clue on who Malfoys mate was, and how explosive the two foolhardy boys are towards one another, Blaise tugged at the blood Draco's green jumper sleeve.

"Malfoy lets go," He mumbled slowly.

However Draco had pretended not to hear him and he and the red haired Weasel continued their battering back and forth and took turns insulting one another and their family. Draco kept bringing up Ron's family's poorness and how he'd probably have to sell his house, if they can even call it that, to the ministry to be able to even buy an engagement ring for Granger.

During those moments his face had gotten so red I was almost like it was painted in the Gryffindor house and emblem colours. His hair resembling the goldish tinge, and his face the red. He attacked viciously in his words, not thinking any of his retorts through and just getting so angry it became a shouting match.

Ron, as he was known by most people, kept shoving that at least his parents weren't death eaters and how at least he had a family and true friends that liked and loved him in his face repeatedly. Insults kept being thrown, all the while Granger was trying to get the both of them to stop, and Blaise to get Draco to leave before Potter showed up and things got screwed up even more. However fate didn't seem to liking either Granger or Blaise that fine spring day.

Soon wands were drawn and placed at each other throats, in amidst of fury anger and complete and utter hatred between the two when a loud shout was yelled down at the pair of them.


Immediately at the voice of the inky haired boy, Draco's whole demeanor changed. His body tensed, his shoulders tight and straight as arrows he stared stonily ahead, not even noticing the red-haired boy whom at previously had been his source of entertainment. His head whipped so hard towards the boy now marching towards him, he could have been subject to whiplash. However, as soon as Draco's eyes had met Harry's it was like a switch had been flipped.

His stomach formed in knots and his mind temporarily shut off taking in the exact look of his previous arch-nemesis's red face rom anger. Never had Draco ever thought that his unruly black hair could look quite as charming as it did. Now he stood there starring at harry taking in every small detail and every small slight imperfection that seemed like absolute perfection to him. Because to him, Harry was the epitome of perfection.

Draco didn't know how long he starred at the furious and looking down right murderous Harry Potter, but to him it felt like time had completely frozen, and maybe it had. However, Blaise was already panicking internally wondering on what was going to happen to his best mate. Mid panic mode, a large gust of wind decided to blow that very moment and Draco got a nose full of Harrys addictive scent and that my friends is when chaos unleashed.

Draco's eyes closed almost instantaneously and then when he opened his eyes again, a mischievous like smirk appeared on his face and his eyes when turned in Potters direction, were pure black.

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