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As soon as Draco strolled into the potions room, he smelt a distinct and bothersome aroma. While walking to his usual seat from last year, near the back of the room in the left corner, his head started feeling as if it were going to explode. Trying not to wince at the painful throb coming from his temples, he laid his head in his arms on the working table, where multiple potion making utensils laid. Within minutes the rest of his classmates were strolling inside laughing amongst their friends. Seconds after they had taken their seats, Professor Snape came in, in his usual black and haughty attire. Sweeping his eyes across the dungeon the Professor then called out in his monotonous voice, " Mister Malfoy, when have I ever let a student sleep in my class?"

Looking up and feeling himself going pink Draco tried to form an adequate answer, but with his head hurting and the queasiness in his stomach, he failed.

" I, um, ah, well you see-" he stuttered, feeling stupider and stupider as he failed to answer. His head of house did not look impressed.

"Ten points from Slytherin, for your inability to answer a teacher." The students in the classroom all gasped at the Professors statement, whom had never taken points from his own house, much less his godson and seemingly favorite student.

The Professor then looked at the rest of students with a blank and emotionless face. "What are you all doing? Last I checked this was a potions class was it not? Instructions are on the board, as usual, and the ingredients in cupboard. Go."

Not wanting to anger the already snappy teacher, they all scurried off and started to brew. Draco feeling worse and worse as the minutes went by began crushing the petals of monkshood, but oddly his hands started to get the odd black veins appearing on the backs of his hands and arms again, like back in hospital. Not knowing what to do, he quickly hid his hands in some latex gloves they some times used when chopping infernadnous seeds, which were a poison to the human skin and rolled down the white sleeves of his dress shirt.

The hour never seemed to end for Draco between trying not to throw up in his half brewed potion and the new harassment of his godfather. He didn't know what he did to trigger the professor into using him as his daily torture and entertainment , but he certainly was not liking it at all. By the time the bell had rung, signaling the end of the class, Draco basically sprinted out of the room, anxious to get out from under his godfathers intense, empty-eyed stare.

Finally after getting out of the class Draco let out a breath of relief as he began to climb the stairs from the dungeons towards Ravenclaw tower and the extra charms classrooms, hoping to get some homework done before dinner that night. The climb towards his new dorm room, or basically home is better way to put it, he heard a loud bang echo behind him and saw none other then Granger basically stalking him, with a mountain full of books in her arms.

'Classic Granger,' he thought to himself, suddenly feeling the hairs on the back of his neck rise and an absolutely heavenly scent flow off her.

Draco asked not even meaning to smile at her and said teasingly, "I know I'm handsome Granger, but never did I think you'd be so desperate as to follow me around."

Rolling her eyes Hermione laughed, as she walked up to the blonde who had stopped, waiting for her. " Ha-ha, oh so funny Malfoy but I'm not stalking you, nor do I find you even slightly attractive. "

Chuckling Draco said, "Mhm, sure Granger. So what are you doing then? The great hall is the opposite way." He pointed to behind them as they matched each others pace and walked together.

"I'm doing what I presume you are. I'm going to the library to get a head start on my homework from Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwich." Hermione spoke firmly looking ahead of where she's going, trying to balance the four large textbooks in hand along with her bag, presumingly filled with more books upon her shoulder.

"Leave it to the goody two shoes to try and cram in extra studying time," Draco teased taking two books from her hands helping carry them as they walked.

"Oh, hush ferret. Anyways maybe you'd like to join me? After all I bet with two decently academically smart people it will be done a lot quicker," Hermione said quickly, getting slightly embarrassed that she was asking fro help.

"Decently? Granger, I'll have you know I'm the smartest student in Hogwarts at this very moment, " Draco spoke slightly offended.

"Not true Malfoy that's me, " She says staring him dead in the eye as they turned down the last hallway to the library.

"Nuh-uh. On the last practical exam in transfiguration I got half a mark higher then you, I checked." Draco said absolutely positive, leaving no room for argument, but Hermione just shook her head and brought up her own defense.

"Well in the last practical exam in Herbology I scored a mark higher than you."

"That doesn't count. Girls are naturally good with plants. It's not my fault that the damn thing wouldn't juice properly." Draco said indignantly, forming his adequate excuse.

Rolling her eyes the two stepped into the library and went to one of the working tables, getting multiple odd looks from the third years who were in the far back corner studying last years charms notes, trying to find a certain definition for an incantation that is spoken in Latin.

"Whatever Malfoy, I have more interesting things to do with my time then banter with you about your slightly less incompetent marks towards mine."

Rolling his eyes at the brunette witch, the two of them took seats across from one another at one of the main and in the open studying tables in the library. Placing his bag on the seat next to him, he handed the books Hermione was previously carrying back to her.

"So, assume we are here for reason Granger, so what are going to do first? Arithmacy, Defence or Charms?"

"Lets start with Charms, shall we?" And like that they spent almost a complete hour just working on homework and helping and correcting one another, and during his time there Draco almost completely forgot about his problems.


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