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Draco woke again later that day to see he was in the regular area of the hospital wing, no longer locked within the confinements of that white room. Around his gurney a white and blue dotted curtain separated him from the rest of the students and possible professors with in it. Sighing loudly Draco ran a hand through his ruffled blonde hair as he pondered on what his distressed mother had told him. It wasn't that he didn't believe her, he did. Merlin he knew what she had spoke was the truth, he just never thought it would involve him so closely.

He was almost certain his father wasn't pleased at this at all. No, his father wouldn't be pleased one bit. He had always been the father of a perfect son, with a perfect wife, and all of them perfect purebloods with the seemingly perfect family. But this threw a wrench into all of it. His father knows now that he no longer has the perfect family.

'Must be quite a shocker.' Draco mused to himself almost chucking at his fathers shocked face as his mother gave the news.

'Oh, what he wouldn't give to see his initial reaction. Ah well, you can't have everything in life he supposed.'

Pulled from his thoughts Draco was quickly overwhelmed with the smell of cough drops and homemade cookies again as Medinurse quickly tugged back the curtains separating him from the rest of the wing.

"Good afternoon mister Malfoy. I'm hoping your up for the rest of the day? After all you have nearly slept a full four days now."

"Four days?!?" Draco nearly shouted in surprise.

"Yes, Mister Malfoy," she then handed him a small vial of a purple concoction in a bottle.

He held the bottle looked at it disdainfully as if it were some poison. It smelt like one anyways, adorned with the smell of rotten eggs and dish soap.

"Well? Drink up! We haven't got all day. The headmaster requested you be in his office in an hour!" She said sternly as she pulled the curtains around the bed tight once more, shielding the two from the rest of the wing as she laid out a simple pair of robes on the bed. All black thankfully.

Draco looked at the vial once more before dumping its contents quickly down his throat, it burning all the way down. Soon it took effect and he felt the throb in his chest dull immensely, and the pounding in his head disappeared entirely.

"Thanks," He muttered as he pushed his blonde hair from his eyes once more. Draco was most displeased about this. He had gotten a haircut right before term and already it was landing unmercifully in his line of sight. How fast does hair grow now a days?

Noticing the robes on the bed were not his own he asked the nurse. "Madam, where are my robes? You must know that I'm not poor and have many sets that can be acquired from my trunk."

Madam Promfey simply raised a brow at this. "That I do Mister Malfoy but I'm positive you won't fit those anymore."

"Won't fit?!?" He spluttered indignantly. "I just purchased them this year!"

"Be that as it may they no longer fit," She quipped.

"So for now, you're going to wear these to the headmasters office and then I'm sure he will allow you and your mother to slip to Diagon alley to purchase new robes."

Draco glared at the woman scornfully as she then, waved her wand and the blankets of the bed were suddenly pulled away and the robes had been magically put on the young blonde.

"Now Mister Malfoy it is rather rude to make others wait for you so let's hurry along to the headmasters, shall we?" She remarked as she magicked another spell, transfiguring two items nearby into crutches for support.

Muttering obscenities under his breath Madam Promfey helped the disgruntled boy up and gave a quick lesson on how to use the crutches so he wouldn't topple over in a heap on the floor. All the while cursing the very woman's existence the two finally managed to leave the hospital wing and walk, - or hobble in Draco's case- to the headmasters office.


Once arriving at the headmasters entrance way Draco was completely out of breath. Doing four staircase of about twelve stairs each on crutches was absolute torture. Especially to an out of shape quidditch player, like himself.

Trying to catch his breath as he rested, Madam Promfey told the gargoyles the password which of course was candy themed and a decent candy to be honest. The gargoyles then quickly spread apart and a doorway opened leading to another stone staircase. Fan-flipping-tastic. Trying not to groan at the unfairness of it all Draco starts climbing the stairs slowly with Madam Promfey closely behind incase he fell.

Many agonizing minutes later they reached the top and were faced with the sight of the potions and transfiguration teacher in a deep but hushed discussion sitting next to Naricssa Malfoy who was conversing lightly with the headmaster who was perched like usual behind his large wooden desk.

"Ah, Mister Malfoy how nice of you to join with the world of the living," Dumbledore greeted happily looking to the blonde boy.

"Um, yes I s'pose," Draco replied not sure how to answer that sort of greeting.

Noticing the lady behind him Dumbledores eyes slightly narrow. "That will be all Poppy, you can return to the hospital wing now."

She looked about to object but a stern look from the headmaster stopped whatever she was planning to say, and without another word she disappeared from the office without a second glance.

"Now Mister Malfoy if you would take a seat I would like to begin," Dumbledore smiled as a chair appeared next to his mother and feeling obligated, he sat down next to her feeling slightly uncomfortable as if all the eyes in the room were on him.

"Now," Dumbledore started, "Let's all agree that whatever is said in this room is confidential and nothing will be spoke out of it. A charm has been cast on everyone who entered tonight to make sure of this."

Draco's eyes widened at the admittance of a charm being placed upon him without his notice, but he shook it off. After all, more likely then not they were going to be speaking of him.

And just like Draco had read the mind of the headmaster he spoke. "Now let us discuss in peace what the problem is and how to solve it, " He paused ever slightly before continuing.

"Draco, has your mother told you anything of what happened this summer?"

Feeling a lump form in the back of his throat, and his clammy palms fill with sweat he replies, "No, headmaster."

A ghost of a smile laced with pity crawled across Dumbledores withered face as his blue eyes twinkled with worry.

Oh yes, Draco is positive that he won't like what they wish to discuss. Not at all.

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