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So after that bomb shell was thrown at Harry needless to say he didn't know what to think. He knew from the moment that the title left Hermione's lips that it was true, because as soon as she had said it, he felt a warm surge of emotion course through his body making him feel almost happy. However, no matter how his body and heart acted towards it, his brain wasn't having any part of it. It was like internal turmoil for Harry as of right now.

While his heart and body accepted it and in fact seemed over joyed with news of being Draco Bloody Malfoys one and only for the rest of his life, his brain seemed to reject the entire thing and simply want to curl up in a ball in the corner of a dark room and die. And with this thought his heart seemed to think he meant the dark corner of said ferret's bedroom, where they could have a joyous amount of love making. Needless to say, as I'm sure you can presume, Harry went as red as his Gryffindor scarf and tried not to vomit at the thought.

'I'm going bloody mental,' he thought to himself in fear. 'I'm literally having conversations with myself regarding a fact, which Hermione stated. Then again who could blame me? She basically just handed over the contract to my certain death.'

Sighing, Harry took a deep breath and tried to relax just as Madam Pomfrey waltzed over with an armful of potions and other medications in what appeared to be a picnic basket.

"Glad to see you're awake now, Mister Potter," she said curtly as she handed him two vials of potions to take. "I presume Miss Granger here has informed you of your current predicament?"

Not trusting himself to speak, Harry only nodded in response as he quickly uncorked the one bottle and swallowed the mouthful of potion inside, before doing it to the next. While he did that the old nursemaid jabbered on about how he has got great fortune and that he's very blessed to have such a mate, and how the two of them never in her wildest dreams would have been thought of soul mates to her. However, she said as an afterthought as she checked his vitals, they would make a charming couple once they looked past one another's differences.

After her slight gossip fest to Harry she then looked to Ron and Hermione who were speaking in hushed tones to one another, and told them to say their goodbyes as the visiting hours were coming to an end in five whole minutes. She then trotted off to the elder Malfoy couple to most likely tell them the same thing. Offering a grim looking smile, Ron wished Harry a speedy recovery and told him he'd be here first thing in the morning to see if he could leave the hospital wing. Hermione just gave a small tight lipped smile before giving him a tight hug and together his two best friends left the hospital wing, leaving him feeling very much alone.

Suddenly feeling a small sense of drowsiness take over his body he cured into the mattress relaxing, feeling the calming draught mixed with a small sleeping potion mix into his blood stream. Lightly nodding off, he barely noticed Narcissa and Lucius leaving the hospital wing after speaking to the medi-nurse, but not before leaving did Harry feel the small weight of a leather bound book being left at the foot of his bed.


A couple hours later, Harry had woken up in the hospital wing, in a cold sweat and a plague of unresolved fear in his mind from dreams he couldn't remember. This happened to Harry a lot of the time now days. His friend's always brushed it off saying they could never remembering their dreams either and that most people couldn't, but their dreams were different. Harry could always remember his happy dreams and dreams that usually held no importance to him in life, while when he woke up scared or in the form of a cold sweat, he couldn't remember anything at all.

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