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Right after Draco's parents had apparated from the school Dumbledore had asked Severus to show both him and his Aunt Bellatrix their rooms. The whole walk to the rooms was in complete and utter silence. Not one of the three people thought it wise to so much as ask about the weather, (which was very cold for a mid September afternoon) so they walked in silence. The castle corridors were bare and the torches on the walls shone brightly against the grey stone. The pictures they encountered looked shocked and pointed at them, all the while gossiping to its neighbor before scurrying off to tell their friends located elsewhere. The news that Bellatrix was at Hogwarts would be all around the castle by morning.

Finally, once arriving at the second floor and about three hallways and a extra charms classroom away from the Ravenclaw Tower, they came to a stop. There the three stood waiting outside a large portrait of a beautiful siren with inky black hair. Draco's godfather then, quickly spun around sending his robes in a swirl around him as he drawled.

"This will be your portrait entrance Draco. The password is Lumos. Your Aunts will be linked to yours inside through another portrait of a siren; before allowing you to enter she will ask for identification, and by that I mean she'll request your creature identification." he paused to see if the blonde had understood all of that.

"Any questions?"

Not seeing any come from the blonde he turns to Bellatrix with a sneer. "Your portrait is three down from Draco's, one of the many portraits of Silene Slytherin, Salazar Slytherin's first wife. The password is Nox. Everything I told you about Draco's applies to yours as well. The passage way inside will be of a vampire who goes by Sangria, she's very temperamental so I recommend not angering her."

He then looks to the two, "I'm pretty sure you don't need babysat while entering your rooms?"

After receiving a glare from both Draco and Bellatrix, the potions master disappeared back the way they came.

Sighing exasperated, Draco turned to the portrait that lead to his new residence and said Lumos. With a quick nod from the smiling Siren, the picture swung forward letting the blonde boy inside. As soon as Draco entered he was most pleasantly surprised to see how updated and new the common area was, much like the Slytherin dorms in fact. As soon as you walked in you were faced with a small fireplace with a few bookshelves around it. In front of the fire place was a loveseat and two armchairs on either side and small coffee table in the center. The colour scheme was neutral with its light brown wooden trim and dark oak flooring. The walls are a pale silvery blue making the room much lighter and more open. On the left there was two doors and on the right there was only one along with a small painting of another siren with blonde hair similar to himself. Not feeling anxious to meet his aunt again he skipped the tour of the passage way and went to go investigate to door beside. Once he opened it he was too surprised to see a bedroom. It was filled with a small twin bed with colourless drapes surrounding it and a small window was to the side where a small desk sat squished into it surrounded with shelves nearby. Then there was the small closest fit with a few drawers.

Draco after inspecting that room then went to the go and check out the other rooms. Once passing through the common area once more he went and opened up the first door right across from the other one. When glancing inside he noticed it was exactly the same as the other room. It was yet again another bedroom oddly. Slightly confused he quickly walked out and checked the door beside it too see that it was indeed the bathroom.

The bathroom was equipped with two sinks a shower and a deep tub. Of course off to the side there was a toilet supplied with the needed supplies. Under the sinks was small trashcan and extra soap containers. After inspection of that room he went back out of the room to be met with an odd surprise. Sitting their in one of his armchairs was his aunt drinking a cup of tea.

Clearing his throat loudly, bringing himself to attention. Draco looked at his aunt with annoyed face.

"May I ask what the bloody hell you're doing in my room?"

Used to the dramatics, Bellatrix simply rolled her eyes at her nephew and said, "Come sit, the black tea my house elf brought you will get cold."

Remembering his mothers scolding he waked over, still not impressed on her intrusion, but still sat down without objection and took the tea from the coffee table as he sat in the loveseat.

"Cissy said you like your tea black, so I didn't ask for any cream or sugar to be brought along," Bellatrix said, feeling the need to explain herself to her nephew, after all he was quite a handful.

"Yes. Thank you," Draco said be grudgingly.

After Draco took a large sip of the scalding drink, Bellatrix began to speak in an almost tentative voice. "Look, I know we never have seen eye to eye, your family and I, but I need you to know that I am here to help and benefit you. I'm not gaining anything from this alright? And you should know the only reason I am here is because Cissy, your mother, asked me to help you. Nothing more."

She then took a drink herself while Draco thought over her words before saying. "I'm willing to put behind any past actions or things between our my family and yourself if you are. Don't think that I will immediately cater to your every whim and command though. I'm not like that, besides I'm sick of the fighting between us all anyways."

Bellatrix smiled smally showing a set of ice white teeth as she nodded her head in understanding. It wasn't anything major between the two but it was the start of a slowly trusting relationship and that was good enough for Bellatrix for now. After all, it wasn't like the feuding between the Malfoy's and Bellatrix were going to disappear in a simple sitting of tea drinking, however one can always hope.

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