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Once the curse had worn off Bellatrix had told her nephew to go do some light reading and resting while she took the samples to his godfather down in the dungeons. Feeling too drained to object to his aunt he did exactly that and went and laid on his bed. He was out cold within a few minutes. Taking a long deep breath, and pushing and unruly lock of black hair behind her left ear, she gathered all the vials and parchments papers hastily, after all she had a potions master to meet.

The walk down to the dungeons for Bellatrix was eerily quiet, not a student was to be seen and everything was undisturbed, making the hairs on Bellatrix's neck stand up, in anticipation for something to jump out at her or attack her unannounced. Even on edge though she continued all the way there, knowing the route to his quarters well. Finally at the end of the potions corridor she saw a painting of an old snobbish looking lady with thick blonde curls and a horrendous amount of makeup on.

She stopped at the painting and offered it her most charming smile and asked with sickly sweetness, "Hello madam I am here to speak to Severus Snape."

The lady looked her up in down sceptically before speaking in her high voice. "Reason for your visit?"

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows and said in mock politeness, not liking the portrait to much at all. "It concerns his god son, Draco Malfoy. You may have heard of him, quite the celebrity at Hogwarts."

The ladies face curled into an unpleasant sneer before she replied in a disapproving tone.

"Oh yes," she replied. " I know all about Draco Malfoy." The portrait then sighed unhappily before turning around and walking out of her portrait, hopefully to Severus. Within minutes the portrait hole door was swinging open and Bellatrix was met with the oily haired potions master.

"Severus," Bellatrix greeted not moving and inch as she looked him up and down once.

"Bellatrix," he clipped before inviting her in. Gracefully she accepted the invitation and walked inside to the teachers private quarters inside she was met with a living area similar to Draco and her own, only with a dark forest green color scheme, lightly accented with a mahogany wood floors and bookshelves.

"I'd offer you a seat but I have a feeling we won't be here much longer," Severus guessed as he stared at Bellatrix, with her arms adorned with a small basket that held all the vials and parchment pieces.

'She looked as if she just came from a very unpleasant picnic in the forbidden forest,' Snape thought. Not that he'd say that to her face, he didn't have a death wish unlike some who had insulted her before.

"You're correct in your assumption. I simply came to collect you. I got a bunch of DNA samples from Draco and I was hoping you would accompany me in trying to sort out all his new magical abilities, now that he has come of age."

The potions master simply raised his dark brows at this. Why would a skilled witch like herself come asking for his assistance? She was more then qualified, if not more in this area then himself.

Sensing his confusion she added, "I more or less need you to help me brew some potions so it goes by quicker, also because you and I both know I never was a very skilled Potioneer and barely passed my NEWTs because of it."

Without a second thought he nodded his head and together the two black haired adults left his living quarters. They walked to the fifth years potions room to use the storage room and equipment to finally uncover and discover the inherited genes behind the young mister Malfoy.


Many exhausting and smelly hours of potion making later the two professors sat with the genetic results of Draco's DNA. Both of the professors were slightly scared to know the results to say the least, What if what Draco had only a certain amount of time to live? What if Draco turned into a mindless killing machine in two days? What if-

Bellatrix and Severus could go on and on repeatedly about all the negative possibilities but either or their curiosity still got the better of them, and soon the both agreed to put their hours of hard work to good.

There was six different potions made with different magical properties and all the potions were divided each into two different vials. two vials of each potion so they could put a drop blood and a droplet of his saliva in each of the vials. Even though there was only too people in the room the tension was thick enough to cut with a butter knife.

Before touching the potions though, Bellatrix pulled out the parchments she had Draco write the incantations on. Then the witch pulled out a small vial of an exceptionally rare draught. She uncorked the lid of the vial and the alluring smell of Veela blood wafted through the air, mixed with monkshood and a drop of basilisk venom. The magic she was about to preform could go three ways and give three different answers, the incantations she had Draco write on the parchment were actually spells that could only be spoken or written by that creature. The mixture was to prove if he was partially of that descent. If he was, the letters on the parchment would rearrange themselves of the name of what creature he was partially descended from, but however, if he wasn't of that descent the parchment would burst into colourful flames and leave a small mound of ashes behind.

Taking in a deep breath she dipped a paintbrush inside the concoction and lightly painted across the first incantation. This was an incantation sacred to the subdivision of beasts. Now the division of beasts doesn't mean just mean werewolves, but Veela's, demons and nymphs as well. The beast division is made for those with usual extremely possessive like tendencies and a change or inheritance that occurs regularly that can't be controlled or cured, but simply dealt with.

Bellatrix waited on the parchment giving it a few moments when to her surprise she sees the incantation words blur and reform into one word in a light and feline cursive; Veela.

Chewing her bottom lip she moves onto the next category; Beings. Much like beasts, Beings is those with similar features and alikeness to wizards and muggles. A few beings are pixies, faes, sirens, mermaids and fairies. Most beings are connected to an environment of some kind and will protect it as if their life depends on it. Bellatrix quickly slathered some of the liquid from the vial on the page and was mightily shocked to see it quickly burst into and evergreen flame.

Wasting no more time she did the next three incantations. One being spirits, the other dark beings, then the death kins. All being complete busts thankfully to Bellatrix, until she came to her last one of Nightmares. Bellatrix already knew Draco was a Nightmare seeing as how he's one third of a beautiful nightmare so it came as no shock to her as the letters rearranged themselves once again on the page in long slanted letters that formed, Sirenes Mors.

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