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The two Slytherin boys were just strolling into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom when the bell signalling class rung loudly. Wasting no time the two boys quickly scurried inside and went to find empty seats. Thankfully, there was one pair of desks still sitting empty in the room so the two wouldn't be separated, the bad news was that it was right behind the golden trio. It seemed as though fate was very much against Draco today, very much indeed.

Whilst muttering a string of unflattering words Blaise lead his blonde counterpart to the desks, seeing as the blonde had become completely frozen. Storing away this information for later analyzing, Blaise quickly pulled Draco along. Just as the two Slytherin's buttocks had graced their seats the woman from the feast had arrived, dressed similarly to Professor Snape only in a woman's style. She was dressed head to toe in stylish black robes with silver fastenings and her feet sporting a pair of small black pumps to seem taller. Her eyes were the colour of salty seaweed and her hair pulled back into a fancy knot on the top her head, she would have been a beautiful witch, had she not however been looking at the students that filled the room like they were something rather unpleasant found at the bottom of her shoe.

She swept into the room going straight to the front of the class, her robes billowing behind. Everyone else in the room seemed accustomed to this, except for Draco that is. She turned around and said in a stern voice that dared anyone to question her authority.

"Has Draco Malfoy returned from his leave yet?" She called to anyone within the room, failing to notice the blonde hidden behind the mop of short red hair in front of him.

Not sure how to answer that Draco simply said, "I'm here yes."

The woman's eyes landed skillfully on the blonde and looked him up from top to bottom, surely trying to place him.

"I assume you'd be Lucius's child?" she stated, more accusingly then as a question.

Already feeling the woman's gaze crawl beneath his skin he felt a bit of attitude slip into his usually emotionless tone towards professors.


The woman didn't seem surprised by the boys response and simply waved it off by saying, "I'm hoping you did some practical work on you're needed sick leave Mister Malfoy or else you'll fall most quickly behind in this class."

Trying his hardest not to retort back rudely he forced out, "Yes Professor."

She then turned to the rest of the class and said addressing them all, "Like promised last class you all will start your dueling exercises. However I want no life threatening or dangerous spells used in this classroom. The standard jinx's, hexes and curses shall do. No offensive magic over a third years ability. Understand?"

A chorus of yes professor and approval rang through the room and she nodded her head in satisfaction.

"I have split the class into pairs based on your past marks on written and practical's based grades from last year. There will be no switching partners without my permission." Her glance lingered over Dean and Seamus who looked to be already agreeing on being one another's partners.

Sighing, Draco leant back on his chair ever slightly just waiting for the old bats speech to be over. Finally, after what felt like hours which in reality was only a few minutes she magicked the class names to be in ordered pairs in her neat and loopy cursive on the black board. Quickly scanning through most the pairs he found his near the bottom next to a certain mudblood he'd most rather not associate with. Granger.

Not believing his luck could get any worse he ran a pale hand through his longer blonde locks that still felt the need to be in his eyes twenty-four seven. Letting out a deep breath he got out of his seat as he saw others starting to meet up with their partners and go into a door in the back of the room that most definitely wasn't there last year.

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