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It was now time for Bellatrix to work on the potions. She wasn't particularly excited for this outcome of the test to say the least. It wasn't as though she didn't want to know, in fact the very opposite. It was driving her crazy not knowing. She wasn't used to information or anything really, being with held from her, it was remarkable she wasn't placed in Ravenclaw because of her persuasive skills and keen knowledge on almost everything. Although it's not like she disliked being a Slytherin after all she certainly held up to reputation of being one.

Bellatrix sucked in sharply as she strode over to the bubbling cauldrons. Split into twelve vials, she held a dropper and two vials of Draco's DNA in the palms of her left hand, one of blood and one of spit. The potions master stood next to the tables of potions, occasionally stirring one cauldron or adding something so it wouldn't spoil or blow up. Bellatrix didn't know exactly what was going to happen when she added each drop of Draco's DNA to the potions, she only had a rough and some what vague idea on what was supposed to happen. Since the last time they were ever brewed was by her great-great-great grandmother Matila Black when she came last came into her fairy inheritance.

The six potions brewed lightly as its contents swirled differently in each vial. The twelve vials all gave off a different effect to each. Two of the twelve were a dark murky green, that smelt of burnt oil and acidic strawberries. This potion is known as the Idiosyncrasy veil. Its a particularly difficult potion to brew that is only useable for three hours before it becomes a lethal and deadly poison. The potion itself wasn't supposed to do much besides help determine the traits you may come into when you come into your inheritance of a magical creature, that is why it is most important that they test it out. Now you may wonder how you can tell by a potion? Its really quite simple in a way. The potion will simply change into a variety of colours once a piece of DNA is added.

Not wasting a moment more, Severus quickly grabbed a parchment pad and a self supplying ink quill just as Bellatrix added a droplet of blood into the murky green vial. Once added the potion was immediately effective. The potion quickly changed from the murky grotesque green to a light and airy yellow. Quickly then it went from a dark, almost navy blue, hesitating before turning to a florescent and then back to a regular and commonly known royal blue. All the while Severus was jotting it down still in the rushed and sloppy manner. It then went from the blues and into the greens all an assortment of shades. A dark Slytherin green to a nice mellow jade, back to the intense and brightness of an emerald and sharp well known grass green. It switched back a forth a while on the dark and lights of the greens until it finally decided to turn to a very faded red, then to an ultraviolent fire engine red and then a soft light rosy red. Almost as if to end the wonderful colour show, it morphed back into a light airy yellow and then turned to the darkest shade of black, signaling to the brewers that it was done the colour show.

On the same potion present in the other vial they used the same dropper as the one for the blood and tested it out using his spit. Unsurprisingly they got the exact same results.

After making sure Severus had gotten every colour they moved on to the next one, a silvery potion with a white sheen across the top giving it the weird look of liquid glass covered in a foggy steam beneath. It although very alluring to the human eye was not a potion to be messed with. One drop of its content hitting your skin and you'd spike a fever high enough to be on fire and would melt you insides into a puddle. Although highly dangerous, and not to mention completely illegal, this potion can identify the smells of attraction similar to Amorentia except without the possibility of being driven to insanity by the aroma. It also doesn't give the aroma of what you love, but more of who you love. If the person you love or are destined with spends a lot of time in the library, you would spell the parchment and dust covered books along with maybe the musky old book smell.

So without further a do, Snape at the ready with his quill, Bellatrix added one more drop from the vial to the pearly potion. It took a few minutes then Bellatrix's hair stood on end at the new smell of broomstick polish wafting through the air and then intermingling with the acidic smell of pine needles, similar to the ones in the forbidden forest and the lake. In a second both the smells disappeared. Bellatrix quickly told Snape to write pine needles and broomstick polish on his pad and then in the other vial she added a droplet of Draco's spit. The spit gave off slightly different smells. Instead of giving off the outdoorsy smells like his blood it gave off the distinct and burning smell of mint and the sweet earthy aroma of rain. Intrigued she leaned closer hoping to find something more distinctive, but sadly she didn't receive such, and the potion faded out.

Sighing loudly she ordered Snape to write down the new smells quickly and she moved onto the few ones. The next few needed to be administered by him drinking them. There was only one left where they could do it without Draco being present, Auramentom. Auramentom is a potion that's has the consistency of liquid silk that was smooth and easy to stir but the colour magenta. The potion itself wasn't difficult to brew, just difficult to get a hold of the ingredients since they aren't carried in local apothecaries and are mostly sold on the black market. Auramentom is designed to show the colour of your aura, to magical creatures that have mates it makes the finding of theirs much easier seeing as how they will have a matching one, therefore showing their bond.

Not wanting to waste more time away from Draco she quickly dropped a speck of blood into the vial and watched it swirl as all the components within accepted the blood into its mysterious mixture. It swirled into a whirl like pool for a few minutes before it suddenly stopped a pulsed a beautiful blue. It was lighter then navy, yet darker than royal blue.

Snape quickly made note of it in his pad before speaking in his drawling tone after such the long periods of silence. "Bellatrix, I assume you're wanting a copy of my notes?"

"Yes please." She replied without a thought just before adding,

"If you could be so kind though, would you please try and discover the Idiosyncrasy one out? I never was too good at colour meanings and spiritual beings identification."

Snape's lips upturned, somewhat displeased but he simply nodded his head and replied, "I will be in my chambers then while you clean up. The other concoctions you created need to be drunk once every twenty-four hours or the effects will burn off, therefor offering no help at all."

"I know Severus," she replied.

"I will tell Draco the meaning of the potions and what they're used for." Snape nodded his head in understanding before sweeping out of the dungeons in his billowing robes, leaving Bellatrix on her own to deal with the mess.

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