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After wishing his Aunt a good nights rest Draco retired to the room on the left wall and fell into a deep coma like sleep, but unfortunately for him it wasn't peaceful.

The clock on the far side of the room near the bookshelf had just chimed twelve when Draco was struck with the all too familiar blinding pain just like his many nights in the hospital wing. Throughout the night the potions that Madam Promfey had given him must have worn off, because the dull throb in his chest had most certainly come back, but much more powerful the before. Draco was overcome in pain as he screamed unable to stay silent any longer. His shoulders felt as if they had been popped out of place and his blood boiled inside him like a pot on a stove top.

Draco failed to notice his aunt enter his room as she rushed to his bedside to see what the matter was. When she saw Draco's body twist and tremble at the pain it was going through all rationality and logic went out of her mind and she quickly sat next to him on his bed as he continued to shriek in pain like he was being burnt alive.

Not caring that she had to teach over five hundred children in the morning she sat beside him all night coaxing him and rubbing his arched back. Trying to get the pain to cease.

Eventually, he curled into a tight fetal positioned ball and stopped screaming, only letting small pain stricken sounds out occasionally. Knowing she wasn't going to be getting any sleep that night, she curled up beside him and wrapped the teen boy in her arms as she hummed a tune of a lullaby long forgotten in her mind.


In the morning Draco only remembered flashes on what had happened the night previous, so when he awoke in his Aunts arms that morning he was quite confused. His body was sore and tired and he was warm and cozy despite the wild black curls of Bellatrix's that were tickling his ears as he lay snuggled into her arms and chest.

Noticing that her nephew had finally woke up she murmured, her eyes still heavy with sleep, "Morning Dragon."

"Morning Aunt Bella," he replied. His voice was hoarse and scratchy from the night before. He yawned quietly before carefully moving out of his aunts arms, when she opened her deep brown eyes.

When she looked at Draco she had to refrain from yelling out and keeping her balance on the bed. Overnight Draco's appearance had changed drastically. The young Malfoy had always been a good-looking man with his fathers and mothers combined looks, but now he was something else. His skin still pale as fresh fallen snow now seemed to glow in the morning light and his hair was if even possible a blonde so light it almost looked silver, but what had shocked Bellatrix the most was his eyes. Draco's eyes had always been a beautiful silver grey similar to his fathers but now they changed in the morning light, though they still were the gorgeous grey colour they seemed to be composed of several different greys, like storm clouds on a particularly rainy day.

Snapping out of her thoughts quickly as if not to alert Draco, she asked, "How are you?"

Getting off the bed, only clad in cotton pajama pants and a white shirt Draco shrugged and replied, "Sore and tired but I'll be fine." he then paused and suddenly looked at Bellatrix with panic written clearly across his face.

"Oh shit! What time is it?!" He yelled.

Trying to suppress her grin Bellatrix replied, whilst tightening her purple robe around her, "Its nine-thirty, but no need to rush. I alerted Severus last night that neither of us would be attending classes today. He agreed to teach defence for me and your friend the Zabini kid will be dropping off all your assignments later tonight."

Sighing Draco let relief spread across his face.

"Don't think you get to slack off today though Draco, I want you to be dressed when I get back." She remarked sternly, while getting up off the small bed and adjusting her robe once more.

"We will eat breakfast in your common area and then discuss the likeability and possibilities on what genes you inherited from the family," and with that she then disappeared through the doorway and back to her own rooms as Draco groaned in response. Just when his aunt seemed to okay she had to make him do extra homework. What did he ever do to receive such a punishment?

Grumbling unhappily Draco went to his closest to see it surprising fully organized and packed with clothing. New clothing. Draco looked around until on the small desk in the corner of his room he saw a note that read;

Dearest Draco,

I had the elves put away the new clothing your father and I bought for you in Diagon alley. Hope you like it my little dragon.

Mother and Father.

P.S. Remember to write lots.

Smiling slightly Draco grabbed a set of black trousers and a casual green jumper before disappearing into bathroom. It had only been maybe five minutes before a shriek came from inside as Draco saw his new refection for the first time.

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