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Draco's mind was a mess and no one sane or insane would question it. After the study session with Granger, Draco skipped dinner altogether and decided to go for a quick stroll around the grounds and then back to his dorm room in order to think. Although thinking often lead to overthinking, and over thinking usually lead to over-analyzing and then over-analyzing usually ended the whole vicious circle by leaving Draco alone and questioning his sanity at two am in the morning. Sanity, that is something Draco sorely missed right now as he walked repeatedly in circles around the grounds before leaning against a frost covered stone wall on the infamous bridge at Hogwarts.

He had been walking the same path with the same thoughts spiraling around his head for over an hour and still he is nowhere close to solving any of them. The most pester some thought that had been badgering him all day was his mate. He was shaking with nervousness and curiosity wanting desperately to know who it was, or maybe it was just the cold air, after all who knows for sure at this point.

Draco had run a basic checklist through his mind trying desperately to figure it out. He was about ninety-four percent positive that his mate has to be in Gryffindor, sadly just based on his general mood around them. Every time he came close to them he got winded by the very, surprisingly addictive, smell of pine and fresh mint. And if that doesn't prove it well enough he also feels a cool sense of security wash over him every time hes near the bloody do-gooders. It's like a calming steam of morphine or a calming draught getting pumped into his very brain. Its like he's been drugged.

Another seemingly frequent question popping into his mind is what the hell had happened to him during potions. Its unusual for him to get sick but especially during that class, where he usually excels without even trying, and no its not because Snape is the teacher. That's another thing gnawing at him; Snape. What was up with him today? It's no like he didn't finish his homework on time and completely up to his usual standards, in fact most of it was better done then his stuff in the previous years, so why was he so angry with him?

All of this thinking was starting to make his already throbbing head hurt worse, so that's when Draco decided to maybe go inside and warm up his bone chilled hands and slightly numb toes. However, as soon as he stepped into the castle doors he was met with a very hysteric and concerned looking Aunt.

"Where the bloody hell have you been!? The whole staff and that Zabini kid have been looking for you for hours!" She screeched, looking like her head was about to bow off any minute.

At a loss of words Draco simply states in slight confusion on why they were all so worried, it wasn't even dark out yet mind you. "I went out for some fresh air to think. Is that suddenly against the law now?"

"Mind your tongue. And for you, yes it is, do you have any idea how cold it is out there!?!? And you, the blithering idiot you are, are only wearing you're school robes!" She says most disapprovingly and taking his now wet robe jacket off him extremely pissed and throwing heating charms on his soaked sneakers from the frost covered grass and his freezing fingers.

"So?" Draco says again, still not seeing any problem with it at all. Honestly , he isn't made of sugar.

"So! You're lucky you didn't get pneumonia at the state you're in!" She then quickly put a drying spell on his damp hair and turned to him with a look of displeasure upon her face.

"I'm already done maturing Aunt Bella. I don't see the problem with going outside."

"Oh, of course you wouldn't. Do you know how easy it is for you to get sick as of right now!" She finally yells, crossing her arms taking a deep breath. While recomposing herself she pushes a small fly away curl from the front her face and behind her ear, while the rest of her hair stayed out of the way in a messy braid.

"Anyways," She sighed, " I want you straight upstairs and in your room, no lollygagging , you hear me?"

"Yes mother." He says lastly dripping in sarcasm as he rolled his eyes and stomped his way up the stairways, towards his dorm room.

Once arriving there the blonde was most surprised to see lounging on his sofa reading a book was none other then Blaise Zabini, clad in green pajama bottoms and a white shirt showing off his tan complexion.

"Finally you show up! I was beginning to think that you ran away."

Rolling his eyes Draco strode into the room and threw down his homework bag, with all his completed work and his robes on the armchair. "Zabini, what brings you to my so humble abode dressed like that?"

"The Slytherins locked me out of the dorm room again because I have supposedly been too 'dodgy' around them and they think I'm conspiring against them all to kill them in their sleep."

Draco walks past raising his eyebrows on his way to his room. "Damn, cool story. Who came up with it this year?"

"Daphne." He says laughing as Draco went to change into his bed clothing.

When he returned back dressed in an outfit similar to Blaise's, he sat down cross legged on the sofa next to him.

"Honestly, I'm so done with the Greengrass's trying to get me into bed with them. I'm NOT interested, I mean how many times must I tell them?" Blaise sighs in exasperation snapping his book shut and looking up at Draco in the eyes.

" I don't know man, I've never dealt with a horny Greengrass only a Parkinson, and I just locked her in a broom cupboard for an hour with a boggart, funnily enough she has never bothered me again." Draco smiles, falsely innocent to his friend, when the portrait hole opened once more showing his Aunt in her night clothes, which consisted of a baggy t shirt and shorts that were borderline underwear.

"Draco! what did I tell you? Get to bed, NOW!"

While glaring fiercely at her nephew, she then realized the other boy in the room, "Zabini. I don't recall giving you permission to visit Draco this late at night, say what you need to say then back to your common room."

"Actually Aunt Bella, Blaise is going to be staying with me tonight, if that's alright with you..." He trailed off in uncertainty.

"Alright," She drawled, not particularly likening the idea one bit.

"However, its bedtime. So both of you to bed, this instant and well talk in the morning Draco, about your tardiness after dinner."

She then slammed the portrait hole shut, heading to her own room leaving the two teen boys to their own devices.

///simply a spacer chapter, sorry much didn't happen here.

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