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Meanwhile his aunt was in the dungeons, cleaning up the mess her and his godfather had made, Draco was in an uneasy sleep in the new dorm he had acquired. Anyone who would have saw the boy sleeping would have thought he might just be suffering though a mild nightmare, but that was most definitly not the case. Inside his dream Dracos mind was in a most destructive war with its self. He tossed and turned with the prickling feeling crawling its way across his pale, snow like skin. His body quaked and groaned at the feeling of it being stretched and pulled in a thousand seemily different ways. This was his bodies way of telling him that his mate was most upset, distressed or hurt even. In Draco's mind he was feeling the exact emotions going through him his mate was facing. He was getting slammed with the feeling of worry and confusion along with the slight resentment and betrayal, but mostly he felt fear whip across him so strongly it caused him pain. Draco didn't know what to do, he was confused on what was happening.

Why was he hurting? What was happening? Was this person okay?

These questions ripped across him as his body screamed in pain to go and comfort his mate, whoever that may be, and to make them feel better. To comfort them. Which Draco would gladly do at this point, if only he knew who the damn person was. Of course though, Draco had no idea why he was hurting though, he had no idea he had a mate, he had no idea that he was destined to someone who right now was causing him pain. No, Draco was most clueless as to what was happening and why.

As soon as Draco's nightmare had begun though with the pain now seeping into his skin, Bellatrix was notified down in the dungeons. Before leaving Draco alone knowing he was unstable for long periods of time, she had quickly asked a trusted family house elf taking residence in Hogwarts to watch over him while she was gone, and to summon her any sort of pain coming from the boy.

So only moments after Draco had started crying out no longer able to stay silent, Bellatrix had swept into the room, no longer bothering with knocking and just walked in quickly to the boy to rouse him in hopes that the pain would cease after he was conscious. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, if anything it got steadily worse.

"It hurts!" he yelled in pain curling into a tight ball next to his aunt seeking something away from the pain, but once her hand touched his feverish skin he cried in more pain, almost like she had seared his skin with a cattle prod. Not knowing how to comfort him when she couldn't touch him, she simply muttered words of encouragement and tried to figure out what was happening to the blonde.

"Breathe Draco, breathe. Try to focus on something else and get it under control."

"I can't!" He yelled as tears streamed steadily down his face with his eyes closed tightly. "Oh, make it stop. Please find him and make it better!"

Bellatrix's dark lidded eyed eyes looked at the boy curiously at what he had said, "Him? Draco is someone hurt?"

"Oh, Aunt Bella he's hurting! I need to find him!" He yelled hysterically still clutching at his trembling body in pain.

"Who's hurt Draco? Tell me who?" She said trying to piece together the little information she could.

"He is hurting! Oh make it stop! Please make it stop! I need to find him! Let me find him!" He yelled over and over again when suddenly his body stopped quaking, and his hands steadied like they're meant to. Gasping and panting out of breath, Draco gently tried to sit up only to find he didn't have the strength to even do that. Falling back into a ball on the bed he whimpered as the last few tremors left his tired and aching body.

They sat in silence a few moments as Draco collected himself and Bellatrix tentatively touched Draco's hand trying to offer some comfort.

"A-Aunt Bella," Draco started to say. "W-What just h-happened to me?"

A pitiful smile fell onto her lips as she looked at her terrified nephew with his wide and fearful blueish grey eyes. "Draco there's some things I discovered from our tests earlier, and some of it isn't too pleasant."

Feeling drained, Draco leant back against his bed slightly propped along his headboard and said softly, "tell me."

And so she did, she told him everything his godfather and her had found, from him being part Veela, to the simple observations they had made together while brewing, and testing things. She told him about how they found out his most distinctive traits - Snape had told her quickly before leaving - were his loyalty to his loved ones and the ambitious Slytherin side to him. And when she was done there she told him about his mate and the scents he would carry. The smell of rain and pine needles, the lingering sweet scent of broomstick polish and mint, she told him it all, no longer to keep his destiny from him anymore, it was time for him to know the truth, time for him to understand.

His calm and composed facial expressions worried her but he kept telling her to continue on so she did, she told him of his beautiful blue aura and his lips slightly quirked up at that, but soon that also half smile disappeared back into the stony expression he carried.

When she was done Draco simply nodded his head and stated.

"So tomorrow it begins?"

Bellatrix closed her eyes as well and replied. "Yes, tomorrow we will start training you to control yourself."

///TWO updates cause I'm nice :) ALSO PLEASE COMMENT and VOTE. I'd love some constructive criticism and/or comments on what you liked didn't like etc.

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