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The next morning after Draco's well needed walk the night before, the two Slytherin boys were sound asleep in the very green and snake-like themed bedroom. Soft snores found their way from the bedroom as the two boys dreamed not so innocent dreams of the future. However, it wasn't long before thundering claps of slipper clad feet and echoing bangs on the large wooden door awoke the two from their previously peaceful slumber.

"Wake up! Wake up!" The feminine and strict voice of Draco's Aunt screeched. "I want you two dressed and out here in fifteen minutes!"

The darker skinned boy named Blaise, grumbled in protest as the blonde didn't dare to move from his warm and comfy bed, still face down in his white cased pillow. The two anxiously listened until they heard the footsteps of Bellatrix fade away from the door, and Blaise being the smarter of the two quickly went to have a quick shower, leaving his blonde counter part to fall back to sleep.

Soon Blaise was done and with only a soft towel tied around his waist he excited the bathroom. Knowing it was his turn next, Draco not so much as uttering a word to his best -and only- friend, grabbed a handful of clothing before disappearing into the bathroom himself. The fall of man made water streaming steadily onto the tiles was music to his well tuned ears, as he let the drips fall down his sweat clad body from the constant torment of nightmares the night before. Even though he wasn't thrashing and screaming all night like usual when he had these reoccurring and seemingly never ending dreams, he still didn't get a restful sleep. The constant badger of his mate leaving him, or rejecting him waited heavily on his chest. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, hell, he could barely live with the thought of any of these nightmares coming true. Although Draco knew he shouldn't be worrying, as his birthday is many months way, almost half a year, he couldn't help but worry.


There didn't seem to be a painstaking moment that he didn't think about him. Yes, you heard correctly, him.

Although the Slytherin's and his parents never did discuss sexuality's and such with him, and he knows his father held a slight resentment towards the likes of them, thinking how they're simply wanting attention from the press and a few church sessions, and a few beatings towards it could solve the problem. However his father, as twisted and warped as people thought he was, wasn't a homophobic. Many people who actually know this about Lucius think its the only thing that somewhat dignifies himself as a person. However, it is a well known fact that it isn't 100% accepted within the wizarding society there for it is not something you would flaunt about in your free time, just because you can.

Draco, before the time of his inheritance had actually dated a few pure-blood, and granted he had fooled around with a few half-bloods during free periods in empty cupboards and classrooms, only snogging of course. Everyone had a some point in their school career, however Draco knew that every time he kissed a girl, or snogged in some cases, it didn't feel exactly right. In third and fourth year Draco had noticed that progressively that it even got to the point where it slightly nauseated him. Starting to worry that something was wrong with him, he had confided in Blaise and Pansy, his two closes and most trustworthy friends. Although at times Pansy got irritably annoying, and insufferable with her daily gossip and mindless storytelling, she was a great listener and had lots of good 'girl'advice.

After Draco had told them it all, they had simply asked if he had ever liked or kissed a guy. Completely repulsed at the idea, he told them they were barmy. He, the Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy fortune, couldn't possibly be gay. However he later on apologized in fifth year, when he caught himself staring at the male Ravenclaw's prefects ass. So from that point on Draco was absolutely terrified that if anyone besides Blaise and Pansy knew he would be disowned, However that was also cleared up early on that summer when Narcissa had asked if he had boyfriend over breakfast.

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