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The dark haired boy must have laid there silently pondering unimaginable things for a couple hours before he finally let a small smile grace his oddly elfish like features. Now Harry, although lithely built, had a button shaped nose and sphere shaped glasses, he also had slightly pointed ears and a sharp jawline, not un-similar to that of the creature. He was also on the shorter side of things, which probably didn't help his matter much.

Finally, letting out a long and deep exhale, he slowly stood from his bed, just as the clock on his bedside table struck eleven thirty-seven pm. Adjusting his white tee and well-worn green plaid pajama bottoms, he silently slide across the slippery white tiled floor of the hospital wing. Harry was famous for his midnight wanderings and odd mishaps during the night however, most times he was accompanied by one of his best friends, but this time he was alone. It wasn't that Harry wanted his friends to be with him for this particular mission you could call it, quite the opposite actually. He just couldn't seem to shake the feeling of nervousness and anxiety spinning in his stomach as he stopped at the large steel door, locked by both magic and a key, which carelessly sat on the shelf.

Swallowing all his fear and all his worries about the entire situation on what he was about to do, he quietly muttered the counter lock spell on the door, and tried to soundlessly open the door with the nosily chained keys. Every small noise sounding like a gunshot to Harry, he tried to get it done as quickly as he could until finally, with a seemingly loud squeak against the floor tiles, the door was breached.

Harry froze. Standing there silently as the door fell back on its thankfully well-oiled hinges, to see a tuft of blonde hair catching the small rays of moonlight from the tiniest window that could have ever been made in the cement like prison cell. Draco was curled in a tight ball surrounded by a mound of ripped and torn blankets on a mattress that looked as if it had been attacked with a set of razor blades as long deep slashes had been made in the tight fabric.

The blonde boy, although Harry knew him to be well awake as he had heard the soft and heartbreaking whimpers echo their way through the room for a couple hours now. They were never loud enough to wake the Medi-nurse from her well deserving deep slumber, but not quite quiet enough that Harry couldn't hear them well enough to know it was him. Starting to get the feeling that he was unwanted and that this was horrible idea to even try, he was about to turn away when he heard the smallest sob fall from the pale blonde boys lips. It was then that Harry knew he couldn't turn away, past feuds and rivalries be damned.

Trying to slow his now rabbit speed heartbeat, the black haired boy tentatively walked closer to the pale ghostlike boy who lay huddled from the light, looking extremely weak and fragile. He was maybe a few footsteps from the edge of the mattress before the other boy noticed his presence in the room. Watery silver grey eyes me his own, they seemed to swim with sadness as they looked up at him. Feeling a series of huge waves of emotion being thrown onto him, that he was certain weren't his own he timidly, yet still sure of his actions, slowly lowered himself next to the wet faced Draco Malfoy.

"Hi," Harry spoke, breaking the deafening silence with the sound of his slightly hoarse voice. Wiping his now red eyes with the back of his hand, he refused to meet Harrys gaze, as he murmured quiet as a mouse's footfalls.


They sat in silence until Draco spoke once more, still not meeting the others eyes and looking at anything but him.

"Why are you here?" he asked his voice betraying him as it cracked, due to its recent over use.

"Do you want me to leave?" Harry asked, wondering if maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

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