chapter two

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No matter how many times Harry walked through the large wooden doors Hogwarts would always feel like home. The heavenly aroma of home cooked meals and pumpkin spice filled the steamy air as the makeshift trio plus one walked through the grand doors of Hogwarts. The house elves, with their bat like ears and no longer white pillow case tunics, must have been up hours before dawn making everything perfect for the hundreds of students arrival.

"Well this is where we part," The girl who previously introduced herself as Luna spoke. She tugged at her left earring, spinning it in clockwise circles and then sharply turned to the three.

"It was pleasure to meet you in person Harry Potter. Nice meeting you Just Ron." Harry and Ron waved, unsure of what else to do as she started to run off before turning around halfway to her table on the far side near the students with green ties usually sat. Calling out lastly to Ginny, with a bright smile reaching her blue eyes in excitement, "See you in Herbology and Astrology!"

A moment passed where the three just watched as she skipped off in her happy little bubble with nothing, not even the rumours already flying to and fro between the students, managing to stifle her confident strides.

"Well, she's definitely something else," Ron remarked when she was long gone to Harry, shaking his head with a goofy looking grin on his face.

"That's putting it mildly." Harry said with wide eyes watching her skip off, unsure what to say about the girl besides that she was both strange and exceptionally nice. Then again the weird ones always were... nice that is.

Not wasting anymore time, the three quickly walked off toward their own house table at the other far end of the hall where a large lion banner coat of arms was displayed on the side, while on the opposite side of the hall on the wall hung a snake coat of arms. Just seeing the emblem made Harry's arm hair prickle on guard. Unconsciously he swept his emerald eyes up and down the familiar tables benches before they landed on the familiar shimmering blonde, his back thankfully to him. Though before he could inspect further about his houses rival he stubbed his toe on the long wooden bench and nearly landed on an unsuspecting Angelina Johnson, the new Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Honesty Potter, its a miracle you can even fly with such grace with your two left feet. I pity the girl you took to the dance last year." The girl with dreadlocks stated exasperatedly as he pulled himself off the empty table spot next to her where he nearly squashed her arm had she not moved it.

"Sorry Cap," he mumbled with a nervous laugh as he got a hold of himself before adding, noticing the older twins of Ron sitting across from her with identical mischievous grins. The girl in question however, just rolled her eyes at the younger boy.

"Congrats on the position by the way, you'll do great."At the sudden compliment the girl positively beamed with pride, sitting if at all possible a little taller.

"Thanks! Honestly, I wasn't so sure I would get it. I thought one of those knuckleheads would have," She jerked her thumb towards the said twins who were now in a deep conversation with their extra partner in crime Lee Jordan. Lee was a guy the same age as the twins, a year or so older than Harry, with a short but fuzzy brown Afro and expressive cocoa coloured eyes. The downside with Lee is that he has a bad habit of talking animatedly with his hands, that meaning that anyone in close vicinity better have fast reflexes or be prepared to get smacked.

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