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Oh fucking shit.

Those were the only words going through Blaise's mind when suddenly, like dementor's were flying overhead, the world got cold. Frost was starting to build around the area the trio and duo stood. Small shrubs and other plant life withered away in seconds, and small puddles from the rain last night turned back to its solid form. Noticing the change in the atmosphere Harry, or Potter to Zabini, suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked around expecting the all too well known black cloaked figures to start attacking.

Snapped back into reality and noticing the stare and how Draco was slowly moving catlike towards harry, Blaise probably did the most courageously stupid thing he had ever done in his life. He jumped into Draco and tackled him the ground. Blaise, although very strong and a fit guy for his age, was no match to the adrenaline filled super veela and was very quickly pinned to the ground and looking up at the most terrifying thing he had ever seen in his life. Draco's eyes were now completely pupil-less and his skin had turned white as snow and his hair resembled that of the cartoon of Jack Frost. His teeth were barred and were inches from the coffee skinned boy's neck, as animalistic growls rumbled from the enraged boy's chest. Oh yes, Blaise felt as if he could wet himself. Draco's eyes flashed a bight silver if almost for a second and feeling as if his life could at any minute now as he saw that Draco's teeth had turned to those similar as a vampire with two insanely sharp looking canines, even whiter then his skin.

Blaise so captivated in his own life preservation at the moment, didn't even notice that Potter had moved a few steps closer to the two Slytherin, or Slytherin and part creature. However, that didn't seem to go un noticed as Draco's ears suddenly perked up and lost his focus on the one currently pinned underneath himself. Feeling the loss of focus of Draco's attention, and knowing there could only be one reason why, Blaise shouted loud enough for the whole village to hear.

"Potter! Back the fuck up!!"

Noticing the urgency in the Slytherin's voice, Harry quickly scrambled back as the beasts, no Draco's head, turned to meet his own with a piercing almost possessive glance. As soon as Harry's infamous emerald green eyes met Draco's though, Harry felt himself lost in his adversaries black ones. It wasn't the lost feeling when you're corned by a predator, the feeling of complete loss of hope and overwhelming fear, but the feeling of comfort and warmth and suddenly Harry wasn't scared no more.

Flashbacks took over the Potter boys mind in less than an instant, but it wasn't his flashback. Just like it wasn't his memories, they were Draco's and although Harry didn't notice it at the time, he would soon realize why he was seeing them.

Suddenly he was mentally whisked away into another's memories and soon he stood in the corner of the robe maker's shop, Madam Malkins. He watched his younger self walk unsurely into the shop all alone. He was dressed in his Cousin Dudley's old clothes, which was a really baggy shirt and a pair of jeans only staying up because of the large thick belt around the waist. He was glancing around the sho, almost mystified by all the different types of robes as he watched another boy his age getting fitted for his own. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. He remembered how Draco had made him feel much inferior to himself as Harry had known absolutely nothing about the wizarding and magic world along with Hogwarts and here Draco was telling him loads of information about it. He also noticed how his face soon became one of slight disgust barely concealed as the young Draco continued being his previous snotty and spoiled self. But just before the boy left, the older Harry noticed how when he left the shop looking to be a lot happier and free then he had been when he previously walked in. He also remembered the slightly lingering looks towards Harry Draco had sent him, almost looking for his approval even though he hadn't even known him. Odd I notice this know, he thought to himself.

Then the scene changed and Harry was now standing in the spot previous to where McGonagall had stood in the hallway next to the great hall, knowing exactly as soon as he scene had popped hat this moment as, Harry felt himself want to curl up in a ball and die. He watched the scene play out just as he had memorised it. The rejected handshake, the people of Gryffindor joked about it. Harry didn't regret saying no to Draco, after all he was a real pretentious and rotten prat whom though himself better than everyone else in the room at the time. However, Harry watched carefully and saw how Draco's eyes revealed exactly how he had felt, while his facial expression had said something clearly different. His face was curled in a sneer, while his eyes looked deeply hurt, but Harry also noticed the small walls getting built around him so his eyes won't show his emotions. That was the first time Harry had actually spoke his mind about something to someone and knocked them down a few pegs.

From there on it simply showed a few less remembered clip it's of the pair of them, sometimes they were arguing and fighting, other times they were just passing in the hall but I was always mainly focused on the two of them. A few times it showed Draco complaining about Harry and his friends and how his parents had always chided him to stop being so immature about this rivalry and just talk all the negatively out with the Gryffindor boy. However, it seemed they had forgotten that Draco was a Slytherin and not a Gryffindor; therefor the confession had never happened. Harry suddenly felt wobbly and hazy like he was going to pass out and the last thing he remembered as he came out of his flashback of Draco's memories was falling.

Blaise watched in fear as the golden boy suddenly stopped moving back and stared right back at the person currently staring him down.

'This is it,' Blaise thought to himself. 'This is where both Potter and I are going to die and probably Granger and Weasley too, seeing as how they're just staring with their mouths open at the whole scene."

Expecting to die in less than a minute, the Slytherin sighed and closed his eyes waiting, for the blow that will initiate his sure death, however it never comes. Then he feels a positive force, most likely by some piece of rare magic, shove Draco off of him and a far distance away from Harry and himself leaving with a deafening clunk to the back of the head that knocks him out in less than a second. Sitting up and looking he saw standing at the top of the hill none other than Professor Snape. Never has Blaise ever been so happy to see his head of house. Suddenly looking around he saw Potter lying on the now frost covered soil straight on his back looking to be unconscious. Ignoring the protests of his now aching and sore body, courtesy to Draco and his hitting/clawing skills, he slowly walked and knelt next the infamous golden boy and made sure the prat still had a pulse.

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