chapter three

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Sleeping was the only thing really on the entirety of Gryffindor house after everyone returned to the long used and moderately abused common room. Harry noticed when he walked in though that despite what the House Elves are capable of, there was still a large burned scorch mark in the middle of the one red rugs on the cobblestone floors from a variation of the game hot potato during one of their after parties for Quidditch. Needless to say, someone dropped the potato and a lot of people had burnt hands. The commons room however looked the same as it always had. Comfy and chaotically places furniture were littered throughout the room along with a series of un-matching carpets and rugs of shades of reds, browns and golds. The fire mantle was still the same mahogany wood with many odd trinkets placed here and there. The gigantic ceiling to floor windows still were framed by the burgundy coloured drapes with the golden tasseled cords clinging to them. Yes, the same old common room with the same old homey feeling.

Though despite the feeling of comfort and warmth Harry was not feeling a bit tired at all. Therefore he decided to retire himself to a singular arm chair by the large fireplace without the accompany of Ginny, while Hermione and Ron sat down on the well used sofa nearby. Ginny when arriving with him had went upstairs to change into her nightclothes and came down moments later dressed in faded pink pants and a grey robe around her in preparation for bed. She sat on the arm of the chair of Harry's and let one of her hands trace patterns on his shoulder as she sat next to them, intruding once more. Though she knew as did everyone else in the room including some older students who were longing about that their were multiple seats nearby she could take refuge on. Being the better person however, Harry decided not to bring it up with her and just endured the uncomfortable-ness

"Hey Hermione," Harry spoke for the first time to her since the train, meeting her eyes with his own emerald ones. "Have you met a girl named Luna Lovegood?"

Unknowing to the dark haired boy, the redhead next to him stiffened like stone at the mention of another girl and awaited Hermione's response as she too was curious. Maybe she could ditch the muggleborn with the blonde weirdo and she could be free of them both. That way she could have Harry to herself, well besides Ron but she'd find a way to dispose of him eventually too.

"Yes..." Hermione spoke rather unsure as to why Harry would be curious about Luna. She was a year younger than them all, same year as Ginny and most people around the school thought her to be completely off the rocker, much like her father.

"Ron and I met her today at the carriages," Harry continued just attempting small conversation in the group and to hopefully ward off all the tension between everyone. After all he really wasn't wanting to have to see Ginny and Hermione fight like cats again. "She was rather nice, kinda pretty, really really weird though."

It seems as though this was the wrong thing to say as Ginny bristled at the compliments he so carelessly told about the blond girl. Within seconds she was angrily getting up from the arm of the chair, her nose going pink in anger as she spat at the dark haired boy, "Was she now? Good to know that my boyfriend still keeps eyes for other girls!"

"What's gotten into you?" Harry asked confused at her reaction and watching her look like a Loony-tune cartoon when angry. Honestly, he thought if they were animated characters there would be smoke coming from her pink tinged ears.

"What's gotten into me?! You're the one acting weird Harry!" She yelled at him, causing quite the commotion that a few of the other students in the room quickly sent Harry sympathetic looks before leaving entirely. After all no one wanted to watch a man get torn down by their girl, especially if the said girl is a Weasley. They always yelled a lot in the process of the tearing.

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