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The two sat in shocking silence until finally Draco muttered out a defeated and shell shocked, "Okay."

Harry didn't know what had come over him as he said it. He just felt so, angry that Draco wasn't giving him a say in the matter, it was Harry's life too. It was his future too and he had just as much say in it, if not more than anyone else. But Draco just couldn't seem to get the fact that Harry wanted his too. He wasn't doing this just because it was the right thing to do, the noble thing to do. Harry was doing this because he wanted to. He had laid in that hospital cot for an hour or more going through on what he should do and what he wanted to do, he for the first time ever in his life, thought before doing. He looked at the consequences his actions could do. He looked and thought about what could happen if he did or didn't do this and honestly Harry thought that maybe, sometime in the future, that he and Draco could be happy together. Granted he knew it wasn't going to be easy or even remotely simple, but he was willing to try. And he wished that Draco could see that.

The sat there in peaceful serene like silence both lost in their own thoughts. Draco thinking of all the ways that this could go wrong and how this was all going to end badly and it was all his fault.

He knew as soon as Harry found out about his condition that his inner stubborn and noble Gryffindor traits were going to come through eventually and he'll want to stay with him just because it was the right thing to do and Draco despised that. He didn't want to be pitied or looked down upon and be treated similar to that of a charity cause. As selfish as it was Draco wanted Harry to stay with him because he partially shared the same feelings as him. He wanted him to care for Draco maybe not quite as strongly as he felt for Harry himself but something that could grow to that of something similar. Draco may be a Slytherin and have self-preservation tendencies and maybe a sliver of him didn't really care if Harry loved him back or not, but out of his whole entire being that small sliver was quickly overwhelmed and covered up so he didn't feeling nothing at all towards himself. Gosh, he felt as though he was turning into a heroic Gryffindor; however he knew he'd never be a hearo after all that was Harry's job he was the hero and Draco the villain.

They were like to sides of a yin and yang, two sides on an opposing war. As differently and contrasted as the colours black and white. How could they ever peacefully be together with so much bad blood between them, Draco didn't know.

So there the two opposite boys sat befuddled in their own thoughts with only the call of an owl flying past in the search of the night for dinner to greet them. Suddenly jumped from his own thoughts Harry felt a pale warm hand lightly brush against his fingertips, leaving the feeling of sparks behind, electrifying his whole body with invisible energies.

"I'm sorry for shouting, and getting upset with you." Draco said softly as Harry stared at their hands in shock which were still, barely but lightly touching.

"'s alright," Harry mumbled before looking up to meet Draco's curious but piercing grey eyes.

"I'm sorry too, for getting out of hand and all, but my choice still remains."

The blonde sighed and pulled his hand away, before saying, "I don't want your pity Potter; I don't want you to throw your life away because it's the 'right' thing to do... I'm not worth it."

"I'm not doing it because of that I'm doing it because honestly, I think if we both try our hardest we can maybe make this work. I'm not doing this because I'm a sodding Gryffindor, I'm doing this because I care." He paused slightly before saying "I care about you and what is going to happen to you if I don't help. So let me help you god damn it and maybe one day we can both live happily together."

By the end of Harrys little speech, Draco felt over the moon. He was giddy with happiness, and before he could think anything through at all he lifted his head up, to see the green eyed boy smiling back at him and firmly placed his lips on Harry's. As soon as I had happened it was over and the fireworks going off in Harry's stomach were definitely something. Draco's eyes were wide as saucers as he tried to fumble out an apology, thinking he just did something absolutely unforgivable. Harry, however, just smiled joyously before pulling the blonde closer to reacquaint him with his own lips once more.

After pulling away a small grin fell onto one another's faces as they slowly entwined hands not meeting one another's blushing faces. As they both well knew that, that was a very fast and risky move by the both of them. However, both neither seemed repulsed by it so they felt as if they were on cloud nine, and nothing, not even gravity, could bring them down.

That night was the first time both Harry and Draco had felt completely and effortlessly happy, and maybe that's why they both fell asleep an hour later after a few timid snogs and stolen kisses. The two didn't separate themselves that night, not even once. They fell asleep on the tangled sheets of the bed that looked to be falling apart in each other's arms. Both dreaming of sweet dreams and thinking about the seemingly happy filled future ahead.

However we mustn't forget that this is Harry Potter, and that he never has much luck for long. So that's why at the bright and early time of six forty-two, the two boys were startled awake by the loud and to Draco, seemingly obnoxious scream from the one and only, Ronald Weasley.

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