chapter seven

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Harry stood staring at the horrific scene much longer than considered normal or polite, simply immobilized on the staircase at the arrogant boy he barely knew spasming and shaking like a leaf while the other student attempted furiously to calm him down. The cacao skinned boy with charcoal eyes was rhythmically running his one catchers mitt for hands along the shaking boy's spine of his night shirt in soothing strokes, calming telling him to slow down and try to breath. That he needed to breath. That he needed to slow everything he could down. Though his calm facade didn't last long, when catching the glimpse in his peripheral vision of Harry standing like a gale mouthed fool at the scene.

"Get out of here, Potter!" He hissed between clenched teeth at the boy whom he had grown to slowly dislike more and more due to their frequent venomous encounters. "You'll only make it worse!"

Try to his word it seems just at the name of Harry, the blondes body went rigid as a boss once again and a painful sounding groaning left the heaping body of the shaking boy, as tremors took over his body. Instantly Blaise Zabini, as Harry recognized him after getting a closer oil at his facial structure, changed his focus to the blonde and started to comfort him in saying the nurse would arrive soon and that he wouldn't be in much pain any longer. Harry however though most of these things he were saying were blatant lies, after all he knew for a fact that both of the lumbering idiots that had stomped up the stairs were many things but one of the things they so promptly weren't was fast. Cursing himself internally at how stupid he was being and how it's probably going to blow up in his face in the end, Harry took a few tentative steps closer and leaned down next to the blonde on the other side and glanced at Blaise, who was glaring holes into his face in barely concealed rage.

"Are you deaf you numbskull?" He spat like a whisper as he kept attempting to comfort the writhing boy, "Leave."

Meanwhile the blonde curled on his naked, clutching his hands to his chest as whimpers fell form his partially opened mouth. The dark haired boy then noticed that his eyes were tightly closed shut as he wrung at his hands liked his finger tips were on fire and he was trying to forcibly put them out.

"Look," Harry spoke quietly his eyes never bothering to leave the others charcoal gaze, "He needs Madam Promfey and you know as well as I that any minute longer away from medical care could be serious."

Harry licked his dry lips while the other semi-conscious boy had his face in a hard unmovable frown. "Let me help carry him to the wing, because Merlin knows you can't by yourself."

Blaise did not speak for some time, instead staring at the multiplying ounce of liquid starting to appear as sweat on his friends pale brow as he shook either from the pain or cold. Harry refuses to meet either of the boys eyesC though one probably didn't even have his open at the moment, and instead waited like on a tightrope counting the cobblestones in the hallway. He got all the way to thirty-six, before Blaise finally cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Help me lift him then Potter," He begrudgingly said with something akin to a sneer on his usually unmarred features before adding, "And I swear on my mothers life that if you bring this up to him or any of your friends you will be answering to my wand point."

Recalling last year when their last defence teacher had praised the boy loads of times on his curses and stance when learning the basics of duelling harry gulped the build by bike in his throat. "You have my word, I'm not one to kick the puppy when it's down."

"Yes well it hasn't stopped you before now has it," He scathingly remarked as he slowly sat the blonde up with his own hands while Harry helped raise him to his weak knees. Together they managed to manoeuvre him so the blondes arms were across both of their shoulders and harry was stationed on one side to hold that weight and Blaise on the other. Much to Blaise's discomfort as well, he noticed how his best friends head seemed to bob in the middle of his chest until it was circled into the shoulder of Harry's and mumbling nonsense under his breath.

Climbing the stairs upwards to the first floor form the dungeons was defiantly the highlight of the entire trip, as all three boys were stumbling and hastily trying to get up them before dropping the blonde form twisting their own bodies so much they could fit. They started going side ways, both soon found that it didn't work to well. After that they tried walking side by side which proved just bad if not worse, so in the end when they finally got to the top and in the middle of the hall, Both Harry and Blaise were out of breath as they shakily supported the boy in between him who was like pulling a brimful bag of potatoes across a desert. They didn't wait long however, as the blonde let out a long whimper of pain as he nearly curled in on them and his one hand shot out an clutched tightly onto Harry's side, making him yell form the sudden touching thing. After all the only time the tow ever did have physical contact was when they were punching or shoving one another.

"Let's get him to the nurse," Blaise huffed trying to stomach the thought of what Draco would do upon hearing all that he did after all, it's not like he wasn't going to not tell him. But not he won't lie that he had half a mind not to. He would be absolute mortified and most likely lock his leg up in his room for a week at the least from knowing that he both snuggled and reached out for his well known Arch-Nemesis more times then one when he was unwell.

"Agreed," Harry simply responded as he resided himself to move and together they started again, half dragging half carrying the unwell boy in their arms as they wandered down the long corridor to find the nursemaid. Like suspected when they got close enough to see the room they were greeted with nothing but the one flickering torch by the door as the rest of the hallway was dark as the windows were all covered with curtains and drapes longer than possibly a red carpet.

Though their silence of whimpers and casualty pants of breath did not last as long as they figured as they attempted to walk through the doors when the quickening footsteps of pointy shoes lead them to believe that someone was walking very quickly behind them. Correct in their assumptions however though, as when they turned around they were met with the wrinkled but kindly woman face of Madam promoter who didn't waste a second in magicking Draco from between their arms and suspending the air by an invisible bed, leaving the two to helplessly stare at her.

"Apparently Mister Crabbe and Mister Goyle were not wrong in your current predicament. Now boys might you please tell me what exactly has happened to Mister Malfoy in your presence tonight?" Only needed that, Blaise then fully fell into recounting everything that had been going on with blonde regarding his health which had been declining slowly since this morning on the train. Harry stood by him and just laughed as well throwing in what he had noticed – obviously getting a few strange looks about some of it – during his not so subtle starring sessions as Hermione called them all of last year. Honestly he's not obsessed with him.

A half hour later, Blaise and Harry are kicked swiftly out of the nurses room and from the wing and entirely and ordered to go to bed immediately as they have classes the next morning. Unsure of what else they could do, they follow the woman's instructions head off in their own directions without a single word to one another. On his way up the tower Harry couldn't help but hope the blonde would be fine and that he just got a nasty flu bug or something equally simple of that nature.

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