chapter five

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The five, not quite at full thinking capacity at nearly three in the morning, charged through the halls like a parade of elephants off to find food at noon nearly scaring the caretaker filch half to death when he had fallen asleep next to a statue on a bench. Thankfully the man let them pass after Sir Nicholas, as Harry had learn to call him rather than Nearly Headless Nick, excused them in saying that they were supposed to be up at this hour as was the rest of the school as they had a code 351. The caretaker had then ran off mumbling about finding Missus Norris. The boys privately all hoped the person who threw the rocks at their window had accidentally clunked her in the head and killed her. Then again they all knew that their wish was unlikely to have happened or ever come true.

After that unfortunate run in, it seemed as though luck was not on their sides as coming near the entrance towards the dungeons, Harry being in the lead as always when with a crowd though not meaning to be had decided to trip when rounding a corner and making an absolute fool of himself. Tripping in front of people was bad enough as it is, though to make matters even worse for himself, Harry had to have fallen on the one person who he hated most in the whole castle, well except maybe Snape. Draco 'I'm so great cause I'm a pureblood' Malfoy.

"Gah!" The blonde had exclaimed in shock as he was suddenly tossed onto the floor with something very solid crushing his rib cage. Honestly, wasn't getting woken up by the screaming of ghosts in the chilly common room bad enough and random inscriptions on walls but now he had to get crushed. Life was just not nice to him that day/morning/night/time-for-fucking-sleeping-not-running-to-the-great-hall.

When trying to shove whatever it was off him, though he soon realized it was a person as the mop of black hair was in his face and he swore their was arms near his head as they tried to scramble off of him. Draco nearly shoved the kid off entirely with a smart ass comment to boot, until he saw the putrid green eyes that made him boil with anger. How dare Saint Fucking Potter use him as his own personal sofa in a hallway and embarrass him in front of his friends!

"Get the bloody hell off me you mewling quim!" He snapped at the shorter boy as he shoved him off and went to get up himself, ignoring the smirking of Zabini and the looks he was getting from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. He really needed to find better friends.

In his defence he didn't have much to choose from though as they had to both meet his mother and fathers standards first and then pass his own requirements. Granted, he didn't let himself have many or else he would never leave his house. Crabbe and Goyle, also known as Dee and Dum, were lumbering idiot's with the attention span of a goldfish but what they lacked in brains they had muscle. Therefore he kept them around as he most obviously wasn't going to fight like a common muggle, it was not only messy but completely unnecessary when he was a wizard. Blaise Zabini wasn't half bad. He was a immigrant from Italy and a bastard as his mother was quite the gold-digger and well known widow. Many tabloids think she was the one who killed her three husbands, though Blaise didn't seem to care to awfully much. He was built much in the same as Draco himself. Taller, with well kept hair and lean muscled. And smart, lord he was smart and Draco was thankful for that as he was constantly loosing brain cells just explaining simple transfiguration to the other two knuckleheads.

"Who even uses that language now a days, Malfoy?!" The red headed and ridiculously poor kid spoke up as he rounded the corner looking to be in a cross between laughter and anger as he stared at the state of him and his golden boy. Honestly the two of them together made Draco want to be sick. Leave it to Weaselbee to snag the friendship of the Golden boy just by sharing his sap life story. And before you get any ideas, no Draco isn't bitter about that fact at all.

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