chapter ten

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Silence took the room by storm after the morbid wives tale ended with Narcissas shaky tone ceasing to speak. She looked the most pensive of what she had spoke, her husband having a firm stoic mask in place in which he seemed to be content in keeping. His eyes blank and void of emotion, and his lank and pale face sharp from the shadows being cast from the dull light in the room. The rest of the occupants simply lost in thought with either their brows creased in concentration, lips pressed firm in a frown or tapping insistently on the top part of their desk.

"You mentioned your sisters earlier," the Headmaster spoke as he gestured towards both Lucius and Narcissa with his hand when speaking, wordlessly adding from their previous argument that it was heard.

The woman straightened her posture from its less that proper pose, sitting straight, back arched in the slightest with her chest out, chin raised but not to that of being rude. "So I did, along with myself."

"I can't help but be modestly curious as to why this slipped under the schools health records and radar," The headmaster contiuend with raised silver brows and his lips curling in a pleasant grin while his eyes fluttered curiosity and ambitious determination to understand, "As you all were deemed inheritance free while your schooling was here."

"Our birthdates did not align closely to the school months or years." Narcissa more or less dismissed not overly interested in telling the man she trusted about as far as she could grow with her life and family secrets, even if he did only promise to help her son. "Bella and 'Dromeda both received their lesser extent ones at home where mother and father could contain them and teach them the ways of staying inconspicuous from the papers."

"Dormant you said yours were?" The transfiguration teacher finally spoke up with in the room, striding behind the desk of the headmaster and pacing more or less in front of the ceiling to floor windows in the early morning.

"I was never given the gift nor curse of the family trait. Only being a holder of its possibility in my children," Narcissa replied stiff and indifferent.

"And Draco...?" The Headmaster prompted, sending a nearly missable glance towards the potions professor who seemed to like the view of the conversation from the shadows of the room near the back, not at all looking interested nor wanting to throw in his two cents. 

"Draco is peculiar but nonetheless a probable case to the disease infecting my lineage." Narcissa started before casting a small glance at her husband who looked carved of marble stone in the corner near the potions professor.

"Our family had always had at least three children but when I was only able to have Draco, suffering from three miscarriages before hand...," She trailed off for a second both lost in thought and a sadness she still had yet to overcome and face. "He was our miracle child and for that he payed the price with my family's ancestry,"

"Creature inheritances," Snape simply summarized from the shadows finally seeing it prudent that he speak out about the topic. The headmaster showed little interest in that tid bit of input and instead got a far off look in his eyes while his brain whirled and twirled with thoughts, queries and questions soon to be answered.

"Precisely, Severus." Narcissa replied without missing a beat as she glanced down at her trembling hands.

"How intriguing," Minerva spoke again to the woman before giving her a small look portraying both understanding and pity in her usually dull sage eyes, "Horrible in the case of it, but nonetheless extraordinary."

Narcissa didn't offer comment though the Headmaster decided now would be an appropriate time to speak of less though still stressing matters. "Be that as it may, while Draco under goes his transition, the staff of Hogwarts would be happy to help in any way you think needed."

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