chapter four

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Thundering snores from the open mouth of Ron Weasley echoed about the already messy room of the Gryffindor fifth year boys dorm. The occasional sigh could be heard form the mound of blankets encasing the single bed of Dean Thomas and the bed next to him of his best friend Seamus unsurprisingly was empty like most nights at Hogwarts. Croaks of missing toads jumping here and there in the common room wafted up into the stair ways and into the rooms as did the occasional hiss and purr from the cats chasing them to and fro. Hogwarts was like it always was a night. Not quiet but peaceful in the way that most unordinary things were. Though that night, well early morning as it was just after two-thirty, something changed in the air. Something big as everyone in the boys dorm was awoken by the sharp sound of shattering glass and the high pitched squeal of Neville Longbottom as he jumped awake in fright.

The lights of the room were thrown on in seconds by a groggy Seamus who had fallen completely out of the bed he was sharing with Dean, wearing nothing but a faded pair of pin-striped pants. Harry was standing with his wand pointed at the broken window, his eyes squinting as the shape blurred in and out of focus as his glasses lay forgotten on his bedside table. Neville stood rigid like a board, his rounded baby face showing the clear emotions of panic and 'what-the-mandragora-is-going-on', his wand held tightly in his white knuckles fist. Ron was sitting alert on his bed, his hair all flipped to the one side like he had walked through a cyclone. All the while they froze like marble statues in their spots as a thumping of feet could be heard racing up the stairs.

"Who did you piss off this year already Harry!? We haven't even been to class yet!?" The curly haired Irish boy mumbled still standing near the light switch, his eyes not moving from the broken window where the glass shattered laid in a pathetic heap in the middle of the room.

Harry gulped shaking his head not entirely sure, watching as the glass on the floor magically started to move across the stone.

Like invisible threads were pulling them to their designated spots, the five boys watched fearfully as they started to form rough shapes of letters, and the stone have most likely broken the window — despite them being many stories high in the air – laying a foot away from Dean's slipper covered left foot.

Harry after shoving his glasses roughly on his eyes to read it, chewed roughly on his bloodless lips as the shattered glass finally stilled and allowed him to read their glittery inscriptions.

The Brave that Dwell in these parts,
All must go to the Hall of Great Art.

The boys however didn't get to think much farther than that as, the wooden door leading to the dorm room flew open without care as someone attempted to march inside. The reason they attempted and didn't make it fully however was that Neville then decided that this must be an intruder and quickly, but not so accurately, threw a curse towards the person.

Little did he know that the figure he just attempted to curse was his Transfiguration Professor, whom was most definitely not a morning person or in a patient mood.

"Mister Longbottom!" The stern shout was heard as the legendary woman stomped into the room with an unreadable expression. The light of the moon from the now glassless window giving away her identity. Neville upon realizing what he just did, attempted to shrink into the shadows in fear as the woman began lecturing him about the idiocy and recklessness he just committed when trying to curse her, not to mention that he also just earned himself a nights worth of detention dusting the trophy room with Filch.

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