Wanna have Lunch?

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I woke up the next day

Today I thought I would take my dogs for a walk in central park.
They loved it there.

So I ate breakfast then I took a shower got changes and everything.

I got my dogs and put them on their leashes. I grabbed what we needed and we were off to the park.
Some how my dogs always get complimented it was cute. Anyway my dogs loved that too.

The walk to the park was about 20 minutes. When we finally got there we went to a little spot of ours I let them off their leashes and they ran around. I played catch with them and we ran around. They might not be human beings but I always have fun with them. They always put a smile on my face.

I sat on the grass and they played with each other. Then all of a sudden a dog ran up to me and started licking me.

I laughed because the dog was cute and I loved dog kisses.
The dog was cute.

I was petting her when a man's voice called out the name Betty

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I was petting her when a man's voice called out the name Betty.

"Betty...betty come here"

The dog turned to the voice and ran to the voice. I turned around to see the man as he got closer I recognized him.

It was Sebastian

"Sorry she got away from me"
"No its okay I loved her kisses"

He looked at me for awhile

"Hey your Gloria Don's friend from yesterday"
"Yeah I was waiting when you were gonna recognize me"
I let out a little giggle.

"What are you doing here?"
Sebastian asked me

"I'm here with my dogs...their over there"
I pointed at my dogs who were still playing with each other.

I whistled at them

"Come here boys!"

They all ran towards me

"Sebastian this is Simba, Sylvester, and Spirit"

"Awwwe their so cute"
"Your dog is adorable too"
"Her name is betty"

"Awwe that's so cute..she's pretty"
"Thank you"
"Hey wanna get some lunch?"

I mean why not its Sebastian Stan asking me out to lunch.

I put my dogs on their leashes again and we walked to a restaurant. We ordered a table outside so we can watch the dogs.

We ordered out drinks.

"So how's everything?"
Sebastian asked

"Everything is great I just got off tour with my band"
"Oh yeah I heard...how long were you guys on tour for?"
"For at least a year and a half"
"Wow you must me tired"
"Yeah you can say that but we always have so much fun on our tours"
"I like your music"
"Who writes the songs?"
"Well I sometimes write the lyrics but Bex, and Ricky write the music to go with the lyrics"

"Do you meet your fans on tour?"
"Sometimes..we have these meet and greet before the shows and we take pictures with them and stuff or sometimes we have those things like when you go to comic con and stuff"

"We have those somewhat like yours I just wish I can have this long conversation with each one but there's so many and not enough time"

"I know what you mean"

We ordered our food we ate our food.
Sebastian payed for the lunch.

"Well thank you Sebastian for lunch today"
"No problem"
"It was really nice having lunch with you"
"It was nice having lunch with you too...well I'll see you sometime..I have to get running"
"Okay see you"

Me and Sebastian went our own way and I went back home.

My dogs were tired so they all just laid around.
So did I
I put some Netflix on and got comfortable. I ended up passing out right there on the couch.

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