Im not so sure

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My pregnancy was going great. I was 4 months in my pregnancy. Sebastian was very happy. But Sebastian's been very busy and I get that he works hard on his movies. But I don't want to sound very controlling. But I wanted to spend more time with him. I missed him sometimes he went out of town or if he stayed in the city he would come home late. I just wanted to be with him.

I told Don everything I was feeling and he was very understanding. He tried to reassure me that everything is okay.

A few weeks passed and sebastian finally finished the movie. There was going to be a party for finishing the movie. Sebastian was going to it he got ready.

"Babe you sure you don't want to come?"
"Yeah I'm sure"
"Okay...well I'll come home early"
Sebastian kissed me and walked out the house.

It was about 1 in the morning when I hear something downstairs. I walked downstairs to find sebastian with a friend they were really drunk. They were being loud.

"Sebastian what the hell its 1 in the morning"

Sebastian and his friend were laughing. It made me very frustrated

"Your going to awake up the baby Sebastian"
Sebastian went over to the bar we had to get more drinks.

I packed some clothes and I got the baby. I drove to Olivia's house we spent the night there.

Next morning I woke up so did everyone else.

I made breakfast and I fed the baby as me and Olivia ate.

"So he was drunk?"
"Gosh seb"
"I don't know what to do"
"Is he drinking again?"
"No it was just a party and I guess he got carried away...I don't know"

I washed the dishes then I went to go take a shower. Olivia stayed with laura.
I looked at my phone
Sebastian called me and texted me he left me voicemails.

I put my phone down and jumped in the shower. After my shower I changed and got ready.

My phone started vibrating I looked at it and I was sebastian.

I answered it

"Gloria?! I'm so glad you answered"
"What do you need?"
"Gloria I'm so sorry where are you? Please come home please"
"Ah thank you"

I packed my things and I drove back home. Me and the baby walked in and sebastian was waiting on the couch.

He stood up

Laura ran to him and he got down on one knee and hugged her

"Hi baby"
"We spent the night at Olivia's"
"Did you have fun?'
"Yeah I did mommy made pancakes"
"Oh you had a good breakfast"

"Baby why don't you go upstairs and play... Me and mommy are going to talk okay?"
"Okay daddy"

Laura ran upstairs I stood there in silence.

"Gloria I'm sorry okay"
"You lied to didn't come home early like you said you would"

"I know I'm sorry"
"Not to mention you came home drunk and loud ,you could of woken up laura"

"Gloria I'm sorry I didn't want to come home drunk I got carried away and I didn't... I wasn't thinking I'm sorry it won't happen again"

I didn't say anything

"When I woke up not next to you and the baby wasn't in her room I remembered and I felt so bad I felt like a total idiot"

"Your not"
"But me acting the way I did last night I was being stupid"

"Sebastian you have to tell me a truth and not because we're fighting or because we're going through emotions or even because we have laura or because we're having another child"

"What are you trying to say?"
"Sebastian right now forget we have kids.... Its just me and you really really want to be with me?"

"I need to know"

"Baby I know I might not show you very often my love and I know I work a lot every time I'm here there's some kind of disagreement with us...but in all honesty Gloria.... I love you I really do I ment it when we first met and when we were together and I ment it when we were married and I mean it now I love you I love you with all my heart...please don't think I don't love you because I do"

My eyes got watery I wanted to smile

"Having our wonderful kids is just a bounes being with you gloria"

"I love you Sebastian"
"I love you Gloria"

Sebastian walked up to me and kissed me with passion. We kissed for a few seconds.

We heard a little voice say
We found laura standing at the stairs

"Come here baby girl"
Sebastian said
Laura ran to Sebastian and he lifted her up.

Sebastian was really happy with us...with me.

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