Date Night

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I couldn't believe I was pregnant again. I was happy but in shock because I didn't want to have another baby until laura was a little bit older.

I was finding ways to tell Sebastian.

Sebastian was working really hard. He was very stressed out and tired but he didn't really show it. But I know he was stressing out. I tired to comfort him as much as possible.

Sebastian was having a red carpet party. I looked for a sexy dress to show off Sebastian that we were now married. Oh Yeah! Anyway I shopped around with my best friend.

I finally found a dress that looked soooooo good!.
Sebastian was gonna love this one.

The night of the red carpet came around. Sebastian's mom was taking the baby for the night.

I took a shower and started getting ready. Sebastian was ready before me.
He was looking so damn hot as always.

I finally was ready and I walked out of the room. As Sebastian was looking out the window.

"Hey you"
I said to Sebastian he turned around and couldn't believe his eyes.

He walked to me

"Oh my...god"
"You like?"
"Like?...I love it you look so freaking hot in this"
"Why thank you"

Sebastian kissed me and I kissed him back.
We held hands as we walked down to the car that was picking us up.

We got in and we drove to the red carpet premiere. When we got there we walked out and there were a lot of cameras starting to go off. We walked and took pictures in groups and single pictures.

After that we all went to a red carpet party.

Everyone was having a great time.

Everyone was drinking and I couldn't because I was pregnant.

I would just walk about and talk to people.
Sebastian walked up to me and hugged me.

"Here I got you this"
He held up some kind of liquor

"No I'm good"
"Come on you look like you need it"
"Sebastian I can't"
"Why not?"
"I didn't want to tell you here"
"Tell me what?"

"I'm pregnant"

Sebastian didn't say anything

"Are you gonna say something?"
"Your pregnant?"
"You what?"

"You know I'm stressed out with work and I thought we were going to have another one until Laura was bigger?"

"Sebastian what do you want me to do?"
"We should of decided this together"

"What the hell Sebastian?... What are you trying to say right now?!"

"You should of waited"
"Are you serious right now...really"
"What do you want me to say? we're gonna be taking care of two babies"

"What?! you don't want to have kids with me!"
"I didn't mean it li...."
"No No! I know exactly what you ment...enjoy your little party I'm going home"
"And don't bother sleeping with me your sleeping on the couch"

I was so mad. Why was Sebastian saying those things I wanted to cry so bad. But I wanted to go home right now. I grabbed a cab home. When I got there I undressed and then made some tea.

I started crying...I couldn't hold it.
I was hurt and frustrated... Why was Sebastian acting this way. He should be happy that he's going to have another child. I didn't see what the problem was....was he not ready....maybe he doesn't love me anymore.

Maybe he's tired of me and having another child is stopping him from walking away.

Oh these thoughts running in my head gave me a head ache. I can't imagine my life without him.

After a few hours of crying I finally went to I laid back on my pillow it began to rain. I fell asleep to the sound of the rain hitting the window.

And I drifted off.

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