Everything will be okay

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I'm 12 weeks in my pregnancy
Me and Sebastian started picking names for the baby. Sebastian was so sure it was a boy this time.

"What if it's a boy?"
Sebastian said

"If its a boy I would like the name... Hunter...or Xavier... Or Levi...what do you think?"

"Well hunter sounds like a real tough name...Xavier sounds like a smart kid and Levi sounds like he's smart and a kind caring kid"

"I really really like Levi"
"Yay! Levi it is!"

"What if its a girl?...again?"
"Well...let's see I like the name Amy..."

"I like the name Alexia"
"Awe that's cute...if its a girl we'll name her Alexia"

Sebastian smiled and kissed my cheek
"How you so sure its going to be a boy?"
I asked him

"Because I know"
"Well...we'll just have to see about that"
"Yes we will"

Me and sebastian saw laura walk her first steps. Sebastian was so happy and proud. Laura walked to him and he catches her as she fell into his arms.

She let out a little giggle and Sebastian laugh with her.

Me and Sebastian were having a dinner party. My family was coming down to see us. Sebastian's mom was coming over as well. I invited Chris but he hasn't said anything to me.

I was getting everything set and sebastian was cooking dinner.

Everything was done and ready to go.

People were coming over and having a wonderful time. Chris came over I'm glad he did Chris was my best guy friend. We all sat down at the table as sebastian put the baby to sleep.

We ate dinner and we talked and laughed. It was getting late and my family left. Chris and Sebastian's mom stayed to help clean up.

I wasn't feeling good my stomach started hurting. I went to go see if the baby was okay. I started walking up the stairs when I got really dizzy.

I yelled

And Sebastian came running
He catched me before I fell down the stairs.

"Gloria?...what's wrong?"

Chris towered over me

Chris- Sebastian she's bleeding
Sebastian- Where?
Chris- Somewhere she shouldn't be bleeding from right now

Sebastian- We need to take her to the hospital... Mom can you watch laura

Sebastian carried me to the car and Chris started driving.

We got to the hospital and the doctors took me in.

Nurse- Sir I'm going to have to ask that you and your friend please wait out here

The doctors took me in the room and they checked me.
They gave me some medicine and they waited for a while.

Finally a doctor walked in.

"Hi Mrs. Stan I'm doctor Hill...how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine"
"Any pain in your stomach?"
"No...what happened?"

"Mrs. Stan...I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you had a miscarriage"

I couldn't breathe

"Yes...I'm sorry Mrs. Stan"

The doctor walked out of the room
I started crying
I couldn't catch my breath

Sebastian and chris walked in the room.

"Baby what's wrong the doctors are not telling me anything"

I gathered the little breathe I had to tell Sebastian.

"I lost the...the..baby"
I started crying again.

Chris had a peal look on his face 
Sebastian didn't say anything but he held me close. As I cried in his chest.

"Everything will be okay"

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