Why Dont You Back Off!

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A week passed
Sebastian has been spending loads of time with laura.

We took Laura to her doctor appointments. We bought her loads of things. We took her out for walks at the park.
Don and the boys came over to see her and spend time with the baby as well. They loved her and laura loved them back.

I've been spending a good amount of time at the modeling agency. Turns out I'm going to be a model at the fashion show.

I was talking to one of the agents when I heard someone call my name.

I turned around to see Austin.
I told the agent that I'll talk to her later.

"What's up Austin"
"Do you want to go out for lunch?"
"I really can't I have things to do sorry"
"Oh okay no worries"

"I'll see you later Austin"

I really wanted to go back home to spend time with Sebastian and the baby.
I got in my car and I got home.
I walked in the house and nobody was home.

I changed in something comfy.

I went outside about to call Sebastian when I see Austin get out of his car

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I went outside about to call Sebastian when I see Austin get out of his car.

"What are you doing here?"
"I want to take you out to dinner"
"Like a date?"
"Yeah gloria your really beautiful and your very smart"
"Look Austin your a nice guy but we can't be together"
"Why not"

"Gloria you okay?"
I heard Sebastian say

I turned around
"Yeah I'm fine"

"Yeah who are you?"
Austin said

"Who are you?!.. your the one talking to my fiancé"

"Your fiancé?"
"Didn't know she was engaged to bimbo"

"Hey why don't you back off!"
I said
Sebastian was getting ready to kick the shit out of Austin

"I think you should leave now"
I told austin
I looked at Sebastian who looked really pissed off.

"Baby he's not worth it... not in front of the baby"
Sebastian calmed down as Austin drove away.

I held Sebastian's hand as we went up to the apartment.

Sebastian put the baby to bed
I was in the kitchen getting a snack
Sebastian walked in the kitchen

"Who the hell was that guy?"
"Just some guy that works at the agency"
"What was he doing here?"

"I don't know he said he wanted to take me out for lunch"
"Why did he want to take you out to lunch?"

"Seb I don't know to be nice"
"Your not doing any funny business?!"
"Sebastian what the hell I would never"

"Then how did he know where you live?!"
"I don't know"
"And how come he didn't know you were engaged?!"

"What!... you want to me to tell the whole world!"
"It would be a good idea"
"You know what I'm tired I've had a long day I'm not gonna argue with you goodnight"

I walked away and went to my room I closed the door and got under the blankets.

I was super frustrated
I don't know why Sebastian thought I was cheating on him. I could never do that to him.

I closed my eyes and I fell asleep very quickly.

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