Wake up!

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A week passed I've been living with my aunt. I left my dogs at Sebastian's house I couldn't take them because my aunt doesn't like dogs.

I missed them...I missed Sebastian....

I know I should be with him right now. I don't want this story to get out and ruin Sebastian it will make him look bad.

Sebastian has been calling me and texting me for a whole week all day everyday.

I didn't answer.
When I badly wanted too.

I would act like everything is okay when it wasn't.

I was out to lunch
As I sat at the table eating my food I was reading a book on my phone.

I looked up and it was Don
"Oh hey Don"
I said with a smile

He sat down at my table.
"Hey have you heard anything about Sebastian?"

"No why?"
"He just stopped coming to the gym"
"Don we broke up"
"WHAT!? Why?"
"Someone knows the whole story about us and the way this person is going to say it...its going to ruin Sebastian and make him look really bad and I don't want that to happen she said that if I don't leave him their going to put the story out there"

"Gloria even if they do put the story out there its not gonna change anything with Sebastian's fans and your fans... their not gonna care. Their more happy that you guys are having a baby together then that dumb ass story"

"I just don't want people saying bad things about Sebastian"
"People are going to wonder why you guys are not together"

"I know...look Don I have to go I'll talk to you later"

I paid for my lunch and I walked to the music studio to work on some vocals for the band.

By the time we were done it was about 8 at night.

I waited outside for a cab when I finally go one I told him my aunts address.

I finally got there I paid the guy and got out.
I heard my phone ring it was Don.

"You need to talk to Sebastian"
"Gloria he's completely destroyed himself"
"What do you mean?"
"He's been drinking and he hasn't been showing up to the movie he's making right now he's just lost it you need to go see him I might even kill himself with all the damn drinking"

I started to panic I called another cab and the cab drove me to Sebastian's house. I finally got there and used the key Sebastian gave me for his place.

I walked in and the place was a mess.
Things thrown everywhere. Bottles of liquor empty on the floor.

I went upstairs to see if Sebastian was there. He wasn't on the bed
I heard the sound of a bottle klink on the floor.

I ran to the bathroom and saw Sebastian passed out on the floor.
I ran to him
I wrapped my arms around him.

I tried waking him up
But he didn't wake up

"SEBASTIAN!..please wake up baby"
I pulled out my phone and called 911.

I was crying at this point.
Finally the ambulance showed up and the took him to the hospital.

Don and the boys came to see him.
I stayed with him the whole time.

The next morning came around I got up to get some coffee.
I walked back in the room and I heard someone groan.
I looked at Sebastian

He was wake.
I quickly walked up to his bed.

"Oh my god I'm so glad your okay"
"What happened?"

"You almost killed yourself with so much liquor"
"Oh god"
"Sebastian what the hell were you thinking"
"I wasn't thinking at all only the thought of loosing you killed me"

"You had me scared to death"
"Who found me?"
"I did...Don called me saying he was worried about you so I went over to see you and I found you on the floor passed out I tried to wake you up but you didn't so I called 911"

Sebastian looked like he wanted to cry.
"Your fine now seb"
"I'm just glad your here...and the story is out"
"What do you mean?"
"I had another interview and I told the story...you don't have to worry about it"

Sebastian looked really tired

"Just get some rest"

I walked out of the room and the first thing I did was go on YouTube and look it up.

I watched the video

Look everyone gloria and I are having a baby and I know a lot of people know I had a girlfriend... Well me and gloria met over a friend and we had lunch and she seemed so beautiful and just a kind loving funny person so I was falling for her...we went to a party got drunk and slepted with each other...it happens she comes out pregnant and I was happy I wanted to be with her anyway...I broke up with my girlfriend to be with her not because she was pregnant because I loved her people fall out of love to love another person and that's what happened and you know me and gloria have been happy... very very happy and I love being around her because she's my everything and I wouldn't trade her for the world"

My heart stopped and tears in my eyes appeared....

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